Fire Safety
July 5, 1972
Revision Date
January 29, 2009
GP 22
Revision No.
Simon Fraser University has a legal obligation to conform to the regulations issued under authority of the Fire Services Act, BC Fire Code, as adopted by the City of Burnaby for Burnaby campus, the City of Vancouver for SFU Vancouver, the City of Surrey for SFU Surrey and the City of Kamloops for SFU Kamloops, regarding the provision, inspection, testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment and the development and maintenance of comprehensive fire response procedures.
1.0 Purpose
1.1 This Policy establishes the requirement for a Fire Safety Program at Simon Fraser University and defines responsibility for implementation of the Program. The objective of the Program is to ensure that:
a. maintenance procedures and tests are carried out to verify that fire safety and detection equipment operate correctly;
b. Building Fire Safety Plans contain all information specified by local Fire Departments; and
c. occupants are trained in response procedures.
2.0 Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all campuses and buildings of SFU.
3.0 Policy
3.1 Fire Safety & Fire Detection Equipment
3.1.1 Appropriate fire safety and detection equipment must be installed in all buildings according to the BC Fire Code and other applicable regulatory requirements.
3.1.2 SFU building maintenance and operations departments shall develop and maintain a comprehensive program for SFU-owned buildings, including complete documentation to ensure that all fire safety and detection equipment is regularly inspected and tested, and response procedures are practiced. Buildings leased or rented by SFU shall be maintained according to contractual obligations.
3.2 Fire Safety Plans
3.2.1 A Fire Safety Plan template has been developed by Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) to provide the basis for detailed customization for SFU owned buildings. The customization of building Fire Safety Plans is coordinated by EHS.
3.2.2 The customized Fire Safety Plan is designed to give uniform, but building-specific information to:
- Fire Departments;
- Occupants regarding procedures in case of fire;
- Occupants regarding a safe and orderly evacuation when the fire alarm sounds;
- Fire evacuation personnel; and
- Campus Security.
3.2.3 The Fire Safety Plans address responsibility for monitoring fire detection devices and outline response protocols at each site. Where Fire Safety Plans are commissioned as part of new construction or major renovations or, in the case of leased spaces, are developed by the building owner, the plans must meet BC Fire Code regulations.
3.3 Fire Evacuation Personnel
3.3.1 Evacuation Personnel include Building Evacuation Coordinators (BEC), Fire Wardens and back-ups for each role. They are selected from among building occupants on a volunteer basis and EHS ensures that a full complement is in place, in each building, on all campuses. Duties and training of fire evacuation personnel varies based on local arrangements and the specified role. The Fire Safety Plans specify the duties for each role.
3.4 Fire Drills
3.4.1 Fire drills are held on a regular basis and never less often than once a year.
3.5 Training and Drill Documentation
3.5.1 EHS maintains all documentation relating to the appointment of fire evacuation personnel, training of fire evacuation personnel and fire drills.
3.5.2 Documentation must include:
- the number of fire drills held;
- debriefing session notes;
- training sessions;
- fire incidents;
- fire prevention activities; and
- a current list of Fire Evacuation Personnel by building and location.
Appendix A
GP 17 – University Occupational Health and Safety
GP 31 – Emergency Management of Physical and Other Disasters
The following Appendices provide site-specific details on the Fire Safety Program at individual SFU campuses.
Appendix B – SFU Burnaby
Appendix C – SFU Vancouver
Appendix D – SFU Surrey
Appendix E – SFU Kamloops
Appendix B: Fire Safety - SFU Burnaby
Fire Safety Plan
EHS is responsible for customizing the Fire Safety Plan template for each building in collaboration with Facilities Services, building occupants, and local Safety Committees.
Fire Evacuation Personnel
Evacuation personnel are appointed by department heads and trained in fire safety and evacuation procedures by EHS. Fire evacuation personnel consist of a Building Evacuation Coordinator (BEC) and back-up and Fire Wardens with back-ups.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are coordinated by the EHS in collaboration with building occupants, fire evacuation personnel, Burnaby Fire Department, Campus Security and Facilities Services in accordance with fire drill procedures documented in the Fire Safety Plans.
Building Evacuation Coordinator Duties
- Oversees the building evacuation, collects information from Fire Wardens at the annunciator panel and relays this information to responding Campus Security personnel
- Reviews the Fire Safety Plan to ensure it is accurate;
- Notifies EHS when Fire Wardens leave, and replacements are required;
- Ensures all Fire Wardens have received the appropriate training and equipment such as Fire Warden vests and report forms; and
- Reports fire hazards.
Fire Wardens
Fire Wardens are responsible for immediately evacuating their areas as soon as the fire alarm sounds, directing occupants via the nearest safe exits to designated assembly area(s) and reporting status to the Building Evacuation Coordinator at the annunciator panel. As required, they are re-deployed to access routes to prevent re-entry.
Equipment Maintenance and Testing
Facilities Services is responsible for maintenance and testing fire safety equipment. Their maintenance plan outlines the required maintenance and testing procedures, responsibility for the procedures, and documentation requirements.
Appendix C: Fire Safety - SFU Vancouver
At SFU Vancouver, compliance with the Fire Services Act, BC Fire Code, as adopted by the City of Vancouver, University policies/procedures and, where applicable, the Landlord’s fire safety requirements is shared by Operations Department, EHS and, where applicable, the landlord.
1) Harbour Centre Building
Fire Safety Plan
The building owner (Landlord) at Harbour Centre has established a Fire Safety Plan that meets jurisdictional requirements and has been approved by the Fire Prevention Division of the Fire and Rescue Services of the City of Vancouver. The Operations Department of SFU, Vancouver maintains the program in Simon Fraser University occupied space.
Fire Evacuation Personnel
Fire Safety Personnel consist of the Fire Safety Director, the Deputy Fire Safety Director, The Evacuation Control Officer, Floor Wardens and Security Personnel. The Fire Safety Director and Deputy Fire Safety Director are appointed from the Operations Department personnel by the Executive Director of the Vancouver Campus.
The Fire Safety Director or Deputy appoints the Evacuation Control Officer (ECO). The Floor Wardens are appointed from amongst Simon Fraser University employees on a volunteer basis in conjunction with the Department Heads. During times that the University is closed and largely unoccupied, the duties of Evacuation Control Officer and Floor Wardens are carried out by Security personnel.
The Deputy Fire Safety Director is responsible to ensure the Fire Safety Plan is reviewed annually to confirm accuracy, recruit floor wardens where positions have become vacant, ensure that all wardens have received the appropriate training and equipment such as vest, cap, and report forms.
Duties of Fire Evacuation Personnel are per the approved Fire Plan provided by the Landlord, Harbour Centre Complex.
Equipment Maintenance and Testing
The Landlord is responsible for maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment as per their established procedures. Where Simon Fraser University has installed additional fire extinguishers the annual maintenance and testing is arranged by the Operations Department.
Fire Drills
Fire Drills are coordinated with the Landlord and Simon Fraser University Fire Evacuation Personnel by the Deputy Fire Safety Director (Operations Department).
Building Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) Duties
The Evacuation Control Officer at the time of a fire alarm is responsible to see that floor wardens report evacuation status during evacuation. The Evacuation Control Officer then goes directly to the designated meeting spot to advice evacuees.
Security is available to assist the Emergency Responders once they are in Simon Fraser University space. During the times when there are limited fire personnel, security may play a greater role in building evacuation. Security also has a liaison role with the landlord regarding evacuation of the building and re-entry.
2) Segal Graduate School of Business
Fire Safety Plan
The Operations Department at SFU Vancouver is responsible for administering the Fire Safety plan.
Fire Evacuation Personnel
Fire Safety Personnel consist of the Fire Safety Director, the Deputy Fire Safety Director, The Evacuation Control Officer (ECO), Floor Wardens and Security Personnel. The Fire Safety Director and Deputy Fire Safety Director are appointed from the Operations Department personnel by the Executive Director of the Vancouver Campus. The Fire Safety Director or Deputy appoints the Evacuation Control Officer (ECO). The Floor Wardens are appointed from amongst Simon Fraser University employees on a volunteer basis in conjunction with the Department Heads. During times that the building is closed and largely unoccupied, the duties of Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) and Floor Wardens are carried out by Security personnel.
The Deputy Fire Safety Director is responsible to ensure that the Fire Safety Plan is reviewed annually to confirm accuracy, recruit floor wardens where positions have become vacant, ensure that all wardens have received the appropriate training and equipment such as vest, cap, and report forms.
Duties of Fire Evacuation Personnel are per the approved Fire Plan.
Equipment Maintenance and Testing
Maintenance and annual testing of the fire safety equipment is the responsibility of the Operations Department as per the procedures outlined in the Fire Safety Plan.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are coordinated by the Fire Safety Director and Deputy Fire Safety Director (Operations Department) in conjunction with the Fire Evacuation Personnel and the Building Department Managers.
Building Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) Duties
The Evacuation Control Officer at the time of a fire alarm is responsible to see that the evacuation is conducted in accordance with the Fire Safety Plan. The Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) ensures that the evacuation begins and then goes directly to the designated meeting spot to advice evacuees.
Security is available to assist the Emergency Responders. During the times when there are limited fire personnel, security may play a greater role in building evacuation. Security also has a liaison role with the engineers regarding evacuation of the building and re-entry.
3) Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Fire Safety Plan
The Operations Department at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver is responsible for administering the Fire safety Plan.
Fire Evacuation Personnel
Fire Safety Personnel consist of the Fire Safety Director, the Deputy Fire Safety Director, The Evacuation Control Officer, Floor Wardens and Security Personnel. The Fire Safety Director and Deputy Fire Safety Director are appointed from the Operations Department personnel by the Executive Director of the Vancouver Campus. The Fire Safety Director or Deputy appoints the Evacuation Control Officer (ECO). The Floor Wardens are appointed from amongst Simon Fraser University employees on a volunteer basis in conjunction with the Department Heads. During times that the University is closed and largely unoccupied, the duties of Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) and Floor Wardens are carried out by Security personnel.
Duties of Fire Evacuation Personnel are per the approved Fire Plan.
Equipment Maintenance and Testing
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver’s Operations Department is responsible for the maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment as per the regulatory requirements as outlined in the Fire Safety Plan.
Fire Drills
Fire Drills are coordinated by the Fire Safety Director or Deputy FSD (Operations Department) and conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements as outlined in the Fire Safety Plan.
Building Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) Duties
The Evacuation Control Officer at the time of a fire alarm is responsible to see that the evacuation is conducted in accordance with the Fire Safety Plan. The Evacuation Control Officer (ECO) ensures that the evacuation begins and then goes directly to the designated meeting spot so that evacuees know where to congregate.
Security is available to assist the Emergency Responders. During the times when there are limited fire personnel, security may play a greater role in building evacuation. Security also has a liaison role with the engineers regarding evacuation of the building and re-entry.
4) School for the Contemporary Arts – 611 Alexander Centre
Fire Safety Plan
The building owner (landlord) at Alexander Centre has established a Fire Safety Plan that meets jurisdictional requirements and has been approved by the Fire Prevention Division of the Fire and Rescue Services of the City of Vancouver. The Operations Department of Simon Fraser University, Vancouver maintains the program in Simon Fraser University occupied space, as per landlord’s requirements.
Fire Evacuation Personnel
Fire Safety Personnel, within Simon Fraser University space, consists of a Fire Warden and Assistant Fire Warden. The Fire Warden and Assistant Fire Warden are appointed from amongst Simon Fraser University employees at the School for the Contemporary Arts on a volunteer basis and in conjunction with the department head and landlord.
Equipment Maintenance and Testing
The landlord is responsible for maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment as per their established procedures.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are coordinated with the landlord and the School’s Fire (and Assistant) Warden by the Fire Safety Director or Deputy (Operations Department).
Fire Warden Duties
The Fire Warden at the time of a fire alarm is responsible to see that upon the sounding of the fire alarm the evacuation begins immediately, directing occupants to the designated meeting spot. Once the majority of occupants have left, a quick sweep of the space, if safe to do so, is done to ensure that everyone has left.
The Fire Warden reports status to responding agencies.
Appendix D: Fire Safety - SFU Surrey
SFU Surrey
At SFU Surrey, compliance with the Fire Services Act, BC Fire Code, as adopted by the City of Surrey, University policies/procedures and where applicable the Property Manager's fire safety requirements, is shared by Facilities Services, EHS and the Property Manager for Central City.
Fire Safety Plan
A Fire Safety Plan, part of the overall Emergency Evacuation Plan, has been established for the entire complex by the building owner. All sections, owned or non-owned by SFU, fall under this Plan. The building owner/manager is responsible for ensuring that all Fire Safety Personnel are trained in all aspects of fire prevention, fire control, earthquake, bomb threats and emergency evacuation procedures.
Fire Safety Personnel
Fire Safety Personnel consist of the Fire Safety Director (Incident Commander), the Deputy Fire Safety Director and Floor Wardens. The Fire Safety Director and the Deputy Fire Safety Director are appointed in writing by the building owner/manager. Floor Wardens for floors occupied by SFU are selected on a volunteer basis from among employees working in the immediate area. For identification, SFU Floor Wardens are issued marked safety vests and helmets.
The Facilities Manager ensures there is a full complement of Floor Wardens and that Floor Wardens attend annual training sessions conducted by the building owner/manager. Additional duties are to:
- Obtain and issue equipment, such as fire warden vests, hats, etc.
- Ensure that Fire Safety Personnel carry out their responsibilities and duties as described in the Fire Safety Plan
- Eliminate fire hazards reported by Fire Safety Personnel
Fire Drills
The building owner/manager is responsible for ensuring that fire drills are held on a yearly basis.
Equipment Maintenance and Testing
The Property Manager at Central City is responsible for maintenance and testing of base building fire safety systems as per code requirements. Where Simon Fraser University has installed additional fire extinguishers, the annual maintenance and testing is arranged by the Facilities Services department. Additionally, monthly inspections of fire extinguishers are performed through Facilities Services in accordance with code requirements.
Appendix E: Fire Safety - SFU Kamloops
SFU Kamloops
At SFU Kamloops, compliance with the Fire Services Act, BC Fire Code, as adopted by the City of Kamloops, University policies/procedures, is shared by Facilities Services, EHS and the Manager of SFU First Nations Studies (FNS) responsible for SFU Kamloops.
Facilities Services (Burnaby) is responsible for ensuring that maintenance and testing of fire safety equipment is carried out. A maintenance plan outlines the required maintenance and testing procedures, the responsibility for these procedures, and documentation requirements.
Fire Safety Plan
A Fire Safety Plan has been developed by EHS (Burnaby) for the Kamloops site in collaboration with Facilities Services, building occupants, and the Manager Administrative Services (Kamloops).
Fire Evacuation Personnel
- Fire evacuation personnel consist of the fire wardens. The fire wardens are selected by the Department Head on a volunteer basis. Fire wardens report fire hazards to the Manager Administrative Services.
Manager, Administrative Services SFU Kamloops
- Reviews the Fire Safety Plan to ensure it is accurate;
- Notifies the department head when fire wardens leave and replacements are required;
- Ensures that fire wardens have received appropriate training and equipment, such as fire warden vests, clipboards and report forms.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are coordinated by EHS in collaboration with the Manager Administrative Services, fire evacuation personnel, building occupants, and the Kamloops Fire department.