First Year Physics Streams

The most common stream of first year physics for students in the physical sciences and engineering.

PHYS 120-3 Mechanics and Modern Physics

PHYS 121-3 Optics, Electricity and Magnetism

PHYS 132-1 Physics Laboratory I

PHYS 133-1 Physics Laboratory II

Designed for students who excel in mathematics and physics and who are comfortable with the material presented in both Physics 12 and Mathematics 12.  Recommended for students intending to major in physics, applied mathematics, or applied sciences.

PHYS 125-3 Mechanics and Special Relativity

PHYS 126-3 Electricity, Magnetism and Light

PHYS 132-1 Physics Laboratory I

PHYS 133-1 Physics Laboratory II

Physics taught using biological examples.  Designed for students in bioscience, kinesiology or health sciences.

PHYS 101-3 Physics for the Life Sciences I

PHYS 102-3 Physics for the Life Sciences II

PHYS 132-1 Physics Laboratory I

PHYS 133-1 Physics Laboratory II

This is a hands-on laboratory-based course in the Physics studio on the Surrey campus suitable for students in any program of study.  Lecture and laboratory requirements are completed simultaneously.

PHYS 140-4 Studio Physics - Mechanics and Modern Physics

PHYS 141-4 Studio Physics - Optics, Electricity and Magnetism