Simon Fraser University
SFU Cosmology Seminars

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Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 14:00 in P8445A

Dr. Victor Pozsgay (Imperial College, London)

Low-energy EFT causality bounds

In this talk, I will present a new tool to constrain low-energy Wilson coefficients in a scalar EFT (scalar for simplicity's sake but the range of applicability is much wider) based on the requirement that such theories should respect causality. Causality will be defined in the sense that no low-energy observer should be able to measure any resolvable time-advance resulting from a scattering event. I will show that these so-called causality bounds are in remarkable agreement with previously derived positivity bounds (where low energy constraints on the 4-point amplitude make use of physical assumptions of the UV completion of the EFT), while being considerably simpler and a better candidate to get cosmological and black hole gravitational bounds.

Zoom: connect here

Seminars in 2022:

2022-10-04 11:00 in Zoom - Chad Briddon (Nottingham): Using SELCIE to investigate screened scalar field models sourced by complex systems
2022-10-05 14:30 in P8445B - Chi-kwan Chan (Steward Observatory, U. of Arizona): Resolving the galactic center black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope
2022-10-25 14:00 in P8445A - Victor Pozsgay (Imperial College, London): Low-energy EFT causality bounds
2022-11-08 11:00 in P8445A - Daniel Jiménez Aguilar (University of the Basque Country): The dynamics of domain wall strings
2023-01-24 14:00 in P8445A - Bartolomeo Fiorini (Queen Mary): Studying large-scale structure probes of modified gravity with COLA
2023-01-25 13:00 in P8445A - Rajendra Gupta (Ottawa): Do fundamental constants vary on cosmological time scale?
2023-04-11 17:00 in Zoom - Shinji Mukohyama (Kyoto): Effective field theory of black hole perturbations with timelike scalar profile
2023-05-09 11:30 in Zoom - José Tomás Gálvez Ghersi (Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Peru): Dimensional deformation of sine-Gordon breathers into oscillons

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Modified by Andrei Frolov <> on 2023-11-01