Law in Society: Canadian Readings (Nick Larsen and Brian Burtch, eds) Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada, 1999, 352 pages, softcover, $34.95, ISBN 0-7747-3605-4.

Law in Society: Canadian Readings (edited by Nick Larsen and Brian Burtch) was released by Harcourt Brace Canada in March 1999. This reader brings forward contemporary work by leading scholars in law and society. Canadian examples are featured throughout, with some reference to cases and developments in other jurisdictions. The editors provide an introduction to the reader, and section introductions.

Contributors address the following topics:

This reader should be of interest for classes in the social sciences and law.

To Order

To order a copy of Law in Society: Canadian Readings, call Harcourt Brace (toll-free at 1-800-387-7278) or 1-416-255-4491, or send a request for information via e-mail.

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