Academic Freedom
Academic freedom and viewpoint diversity are two of my main interests. I am the co-founder and co-leader of the SFU Academic Freedom Group. We are dedicated to promoting open inquiry and constructive disagreement in research and education at SFU.
I am also a co-chair of the Heterodox Academy Campus Community at SFU. The mission of the Heterodox Academy (HxA) is "to advance open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement across higher education – the foundations of our universities as truth-seeking, knowledge-generating institutions. HxA empowers members to organize on their campus and within their disciplines, educates academics on the importance of our principles, and advocates for policies to protect open inquiry across higher education". HxA is a non-partisan organization with over 7000 members representing diverse academic interests and political beliefs.
The Academic Freedom Group is hosting an exciting event on Sept. 19! It will feature a conversation between two academics who disagree about the purpose of today's university. Come and see the Heterodox Way for constructive disagreement in action! Registration is free and open to all.