Project Governance
The Ni Electro Can project is administered and managed by a Project Management Committee (PMC) through the recommendations of a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC).
PMC is established to provide governance to the Project. PMC oversees management, overall scientific direction, and fiscal accountability of the Project. It follows NSERC and institutional guidelines and policies to reflect the interests and concerns of the public, private and academic sectors involved. PMC is chaired by the Associate VP Research of Queen’s University, Dr. G. Cynthia Fekken, who is responsible for providing guidance to large Queen’s-led research projects.
Other PMC members include:
Prof. Gregory Jerkiewicz (Project Leader, Queen’s University)
Prof. Byron Gates (Project Associate Leader, Simon Fraser University)
Dr. Gunther Scherer (Chair of Scientific Steering Committee, global leader in electrochemistry)
Ms. Shanna Knights (Industry Representative, Ballard Power Systems)
Prof. Christophe Coutanceau (Foreign Collaborator Representative, Université de Poitiers)
Dr. Titichai Navessin (Project Manager, Pacific Rim Research Corp.)
Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) provides scientific guidance for the Project. It oversees scientific and engineering directions of all Themes and provides guidance in the framework of a rapidly-evolving landscape in the area of materials for clean energy and energy efficiency.
SSC is chaired by Dr. Guenther Scherer, who served as Head of the Electrochemistry Laboratory at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland.
Other SSC members include:
Prof. Daniel Guay (Theme-1 leader, INRS)
Prof. Diane Beauchemin (Theme-2 leader, Queen’s University)
Prof. David Harrington (Theme-3 leader, University of Victoria)
Prof. Gregory Jerkiewicz (Project Leader, Queen’s University)
Prof. Byron Gates (Project Associate Leader, Simon Fraser University)
Dr. Gunther Scherer (Chair of Scientific Steering Committee, global leader in electrochemistry)
Ms. Shanna Knights (Industry Representative, Ballard Power Systems)
Prof. Christophe Coutanceau (Foreign Collaborator Representative, Université de Poitiers)
Dr. Titichai Navessin (Project Manager, Pacific Rim Research Corp.)