Characterization of lower leg volume changes during standing

STUDY TITLE: Characterization of lower leg volume changes during standing

Would you like to take part in a research study? Help us develop new methods to prevent leg swelling and varicose veins. Approximately 1 in 62 Canadians suffer from lower leg swelling. Prior to developing a smart-technology-assisted therapy to effectively assist with fluid volume control in the legs of humans with excessive swelling, it is necessary to study how leg volume changes during standing.


GOAL OF RESEARCH: This study will investigate the changes in calf volume of the participants during a 10-minute standing position.


PARTICIPATION CRITERIA: We are looking for healthy men and women between the ages of 19 to 66 years old and pregnant women 19 years or older to participate in our research study.

The tests will take around 45-60 minutes of your time at Simon Fraser University’s Burnaby campus.


If you are interested in taking part in this study, please contact Mahan Rahimi by e-mail at for more details