
Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Deng, X., McClay, E., Jastrzebski, E., Wang, Y., & Yeung, H. H. (2024). Visual scanning patterns of a talking face when evaluating phonetic information in a native and non-native language. PloS One19(5), e0304150. PDF

Leung, K. K. W., & Wang, Y. (2024). Modelling Mandarin tone perception-production link through critical perceptual cues. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America155(2), 1451–1468. PDF

Zeng, Y., Leung, K. K. W., Jongman, A., Sereno, J. A., & Wang, Y. (2023). Multi-modal cross-linguistic perception of Mandarin tones in clear speech. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience17, 1247811–1247811. PDF

Garg, S., Ruan, H., Hamarneh, G., Behne, D. M., Jongman, A., Sereno, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). Mouth2Audio: intelligible audio synthesis from videos with distinctive vowel articulation. International Journal of Speech Technology26(2), 459–474. PDF

Garg, S., Hamarneh, G., Sereno, J., Jongman, A., & Wang, Y. (2023). Different facial cues for different speech styles in Mandarin tone articulation. Frontiers in Communication8PDF

Sachdeva, S., Ruan, H., Hamarneh, G., Behne, D. M., Jongman, A., Sereno, J. A., & Wang, Y. (2023). Plain-to-clear speech video conversion for enhanced intelligibility. International Journal of Speech Technology26(1), 163–184. PDF

Aoyagi, M., & Wang, Y. (2022). Who is fu? – perception of L2 sounds that are partially neutralized in L1. Journal of Phonetics94, 101171. PDF

Tupper, P., Leung, K. W., Wang, Y., Jongman, A., & Sereno, J. A. (2021). The contrast between clear and plain speaking style for Mandarin tones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(6), pp. 4464-4473. pdf

Wang, Y., Sereno, J.A., & Jongman, A. (2020).  Multi-modal perception of tone. In H-M. Liu, F-M. Tsao, & P. Li (Eds.), Speech perception, production and acquisition: Multidisciplinary approaches in Chinese languages (pp. 159-176). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. PDF

Garg, S., Harmaneh, G., Jongman, A., Sereno, J.A., & Wang, Y. (2020). ADFAC: Automatic detection of facial articulatory features. MethodsX, 7. PDF

Redmon, C., Leung, K., Wang, Y., McMurray, B., Jongman, A., & Sereno, J. A. (2020). Cross-linguistic perception of clearly spoken English tense and lax vowels based on auditory, visual, and auditory-visual information, Journal of Phonetics, 81. PDF

Cho, S., Jongman, A., Wang, Y. & Sereno, J. A. (2020). Multi-modal cross-linguistic perception of fricatives in clear speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147 (4), 2609-2624. PDF

Leung, K. and Wang, Y. (2020). Production-perception relationship of Mandarin tones as revealed by critical perceptual cues. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147 (4), 301-306. PDF

Tupper, P., Leung, K., Wang, Y., Jongman, A. & Sereno, J. A. (2020). Characterizing the distinctive acoustic cues of Mandarin tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147 (4), 2570-2580. PDF

Cooper, A., Wang, Y., and Behne, D.M. (2019). Effects of semantic information and segmental familiarity on learning lexical tone. In A.M. Nyvad, M. Hejná, A. Højen, A.B. Jespersen & M.H.Sørensen (Eds.), A Sound Approach to Language Matters – In Honor of Ocke-Schwen Bohn. Aarhus University Press, Denmark (pp. 211-236). PDF

Garg, S., Hamarneh, G., Jongman, A., Sereno, J.A., and Wang, Y. (2019). Computer-vision analysis reveals facial movements made during Mandarin tone production align with pitch trajectories. Speech Communication 113, 47-62. PDF

Hannah, B., Wang, Y., Jongman, A., Sereno, J.A., Cao, J. and Nie, Y. (2017). Cross-modal association between auditory and visuospatial Information in Mandarin tone perception in noise by native and non-native perceivers. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 8, 2015, pp.1-15. PDF

Cooper, A., Wang, Y. and Ashley, R. (2017). Thai rate-varied vowel length perception and the impact of musical experience. Language and Speech, 60, 65-84. PDF

Wu, X., Kawase, S. and Wang, Y. (2017, co-first author with Wu). Effects of acoustic and linguistic experience on Japanese pitch accent processing. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 20(5), 931-946. PDF

Leung, K., Jongman, A., Wang, Y. and Sereno, J.A. (2016). Acoustic characteristics of clearly spoken English tense and lax vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140, 45-58.PDF

Chang, D., Hedberg, N. and Wang, Y. (2016). Effects of musical and linguistic experience on categorization of lexical and melodic tones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139 (5), 2432-2447. PDF

Tang, L., Hannah, B., Jongman, A., Sereno, J., Wang, Y. and Hamarneh, G. (2015). Examining visible articulatory features in clear and conversational speech. Speech Communication, 75, 1-13. PDF

Wang, Y., Jongman, A., and Sereno, J.A. (2015 online version, 2016 printed version). L2 acquisition of Chinese tone. In R. Sybesma, J. Huang, J. Myers, W. Behr, and Z. Handel (eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Leiden: Brill. pp.1-9. ISBN 9789004186439. PDF

Kawase, S., Hannah, B., and Wang, Y. (2014). The influence of visual speech information on the intelligibility of English consonants produced by non-native speakers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136, 1352-1362. PDF

Wu, X., Munro, M., and Wang, Y. (2014). Tone assimilation by Mandarin and Thai listeners with and without L2 experience. Journal of Phonetics, 46, 86-100.  PDF

Wang, Y. (2013). Second language speech perception and the brain. C.A. Chapelle, ed., The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. PDF

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2013). Effects of tone training on Cantonese word learning. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134 (2), 133-139. PDF

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2012). The influence of linguistic and musical experience on Cantonese word learning. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,131(6), 4756–4769. PDF

Wu, X., Tu, J-Y., & Wang, Y. (2012). Native and non-native processing of Japanese pitch accent. Applied Psycholinguistics,33,623–641. PDF

Wang, Y., Behne, D., and Jiang, H. (2009). Influence of native language phonetic system on audio-visual speech perception. Journal of Phonetics, 37, 344-356. PDF

Alm, M., Behne, D., Y. Wang, and Eg, R. (2009). Audio-visual identification of place of articulation and voicing in white and babble noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 (1), 377-387. PDF

Wang, Y., Behne, D., and Jiang, H. (2008). Linguistic experience and audio-visual perception of nonnative fricatives. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124 (3), 1716-1726. PDF

Wang, Y., Lin, L., Kuhl, P., and Hirsch, J. (2007). Mathematical and linguistic processing differs between native and second languages: an fMRI study, Brain Imaging and Behavior 1.3, 68-82. PDF

Conference Proceedings & Working Papers

Leung, K.K.W. and Wang, Y. (2019). Relating acoustic properties of Mandarin tones to perceptual cue weights. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 3842-3846). PDF

Garg, S., Hamarneh, G., Jongman, A., Sereno, J.A., and Wang, Y. (2018). Joint gender-, tone-, vowel- classification via novel hierarchical classification for annotation of monosyllabic Mandarin word tokens. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Calgary. pp.1-5.

Tupper, P., Jian, J., Leung, K. and Wang, Y. (2018). Game theoretic models of clear versus plain speech. Proceedings of Cognitive Science Society conference. pp.1-6.

Aoyagi, M. and Wang, Y. (2017). Perception of English sounds neutralized in Japanese by Japanese listeners - Who is Fu? Proceedings of the 31st General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Tokyo, pp. 142-147.

Alexander, J.A. and Wang, Y. (2016). The PAM-S and cross-language lexical-tone identification. Proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL), Buffalo, New York.

Tang, L., Hannah, B., Jongman, A., Sereno, J., Wang, Y. and Hamarneh, G. (2015). Examining visible articulatory features in clear and conversational speech. Proceedings of the International Congress on Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow. PDF

Cooper, A., Wang, Y. and Ashley, R. (2015). Effects of musical experience on Thai rate-varied vowel length perception. Proceedings of the International Congress on Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow. PDF

Leung, K. K. W., Jongman, A., Wang, Y. and Sereno, J. A. (2015). Acoustic characteristics of clearly spoken English vowels. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 276.1-4 retrieved from

Eng, K., Hannah, B., Leung, K. and Wang, Y. (2014). Effects of auditory, visual and gestural input on the perceptual learning of tones. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 7, Dublin, Ireland. PDF

Eng, K., Hannah, B., Leung, L. and Wang, Y. (2013). Gesturing pitch: Can co-speech hand gestures facilitate learning of non-native speech sounds? Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, pp. 1-4.

Kawase, S. and Wang, Y. (2012). Effects of visual speech information on native listener judgmets of L2 consonant intelligibility. Proceedings of Interspeech 2012, 1-4.

Alexander, J.A. The Theory of Adaptive Dispersion and Acoustic-phonetic Properties of Cross-language Lexical-tone Systems. Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference 2011 (satellite of ICPhS 2011) PDF

Alexander, J.A., Bradlow, A.R., Ashley, R.D., and Wong, P.C.M. Music Melody. Perception in Tone-language and Non-tone-language Speakers. Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference 2011 (satellite of ICPhS 2011) PDF

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2011) The influence of tonal awareness and musical experience on tone word learning. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, August 17-21. PDF

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2011) Effects of linguistic experience and tone training on Cantonese tone word learning. Proceedings of the Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference, Hong Kong, August 22-23. PDF

Wang, Y., Cooper, A., Wu, X. and Behne, D. (2011) Effect of semantic context on the perceptual learning of lexical tone. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, August 17-21. PDF

Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Cooper, A. and Dovan, M. (2011) Effects of training on the processing of speech and non-speech tone: An event-related potential study. Proceedings of the Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference, Hong Kong, August 22-23. PDF

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2010) Cantonese tone word learning by tone and non-tone language speakers. Proceedings of Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, September 26-30. PDF

Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2010) The role of musical experience in Cantonese lexical tone perception by native speakers of Thai. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Chicago, May 11-14. PDF

Zhang, Y., Cooper, A. and Wang, Y. (2010) Processing of speech and non-speech tonal information by native and nonnative tone language speakers: an event-related electrophysiological study. PDF
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Victoria, October 13-15.

Wu, X., Tu, J-Y., & Wang, Y. (2009). Processing of pitch accent in Japanese by native and non-native listeners. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on East Asian Linguistics, Vancouver.

Behne, D., Wang, Y. , Belsby, S-O, Kaasa, S., Simonsen, and Back, K. (2008). Visual field advantage in the perception of audiovisual speech segments. Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2008, Tangalooma, Australia.

Tu, J., Wu, X., and Wang, Y. (2008). Processing of Japanese pitch accent by native Japanese and English listeners. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Acoustics Association, Vancouver.

Wang, Y., Behne, D., and Jiang, H. (2008). Effects of training modality on AV perception of nonnative speech contrasts. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Acoustics Association, Vancouver.

Behne, D., Wang, Y., Alm, M., Arntsen, I., Eg, R., and Valso, A. (2007). Changes in audio-visual speech processing during adulthood. In J. Vroomen, M. Swerts and E. Krahmer (Eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Audio-visual Speech Processing 2007.

Wang, Y., Behne, D., Jiang, H., and Feehan, A. (2007). Effect of native language experience on audio-visual perception of English fricatives by Korean and Mandarin natives. In J. Vroomen, M. Swerts and E. Krahmer (Eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Audio-visual Speech Processing 2007.

Wang, Y., Behne, D., Jiang, H. & Danyluc, C. (2006). Native and Nonnative Audio-visual Perception of English Fricatives in Quiet and Café-noise Backgrounds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing.

Other Publications

Racine, T. P., Wereha, T. J., Vasileva, O., Tafreshi, D., & Thompson, J. J. (2014). The evolution of joint Attention: A review and critique. In M. Pina & N. Gontier (Eds.), The evolution of social communication in primates: A multidisciplinary approach (pp 127-145). New York: Springer.