Home >> IAG Events & Initiatives >> Awards & Funds >> World Congress Travel Fund World Congress of Gerontology Student Travel FundThe International Association of Gerontology has established the World Congress of Gerontology Student Travel Fund to assist students from around the world to participate and attend the World Congress of Gerontology. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please print this page and complete the form below. I would like to contribute $_________ to the World Congress of Gerontology Student Travel Fund. Your name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: Province/State: ___________________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________________________________ Fax Number: ________________________________________________________ Method of Payment: [_] Cheque [_] Money Order
Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Expiry Date: _________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________
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Cheques should be made payable to the International Association of Gerontology with a note indicating the money is to be used for the World Congress of Gerontology Student Travel Fund. |