Recent Publications

Rosenkrantz, L., Schuurman, N., and Lear, S. A. 2024. Environmental preferences and concerns of recreational trail runners. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Harden, S. R., Schuurman, N., Larson, H., and Walker, B. B. 2024. The utility of street view imagery in environmental audits for runnability. Applied Geography.

Van Veghel, D., Dardas, A., Scott, E. M., Swanlund, D., Schuurman, N., and Williams, D. 2023. Spatio-temporal constraints of carer-workers in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: An exploratory analysis using potential path areas. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

Amram, O., Rosenkrantz, L., DDes, S. A., Schuurman, N., Panwala, V. J., and Joudrey, P. J. 2023. Availability of timely methadone treatment in the United States and Canada during COVID-19: A census tract-level analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Martin, M. E., Swanlund, D., and Schuurman, N. 2023. Problems with quantitative categorization: An argument for qualitative approaches. Environment and Planning F.

Harden, S. R., Schuurman, N., Keller, P.  and Lear, S. A. 2022. Neighborhood characteristics associated with running in Metro Vancouver: A preliminary analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Walker, B. B., Brinkmann, S. T., Große, T., Kremer, D., Schuurman, N., Hystad, P., Rangarajan, S., Teo, K., Yusuf, S., and Lear, S. A. 2022. Neighborhood greenspace and socioeconomic risk are associated with diabetes risk at the sub-neighborhood scale: Results from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study. Journal of Urban Health.

Rosenkrantz, L., Schuurman, N., Hameed, S. M., Boniface, R., and Lett, R. 2022. The Kampala Trauma Score: A 20 year track record. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.

McKitrick, M., Schuurman, N., and Crooks, V. A. 2022. Collecting, analyzing, and visualizing location-based social media data: Review of methods in GIS-social media analysis. GeoJournal.

Shashank, A., Schuurman, N., Copley, R., and Lear, S. 2022. Creation of a runnability index using an affordance based framework. Environment and Planning B 49(1).

Rosenkrantz, L., Schuurman, N., Arenas, C., Jimenez, M. F., and Hameed, S. M. 2021. Understanding the barriers and facilitators to trauma registry development in resource-constrained settings: A survey of trauma registry stewards and researchers. Injury 52(8): 2215-2224.

Laane, C. L. E., Rosencrantz, L. E., Schuurman, N., Hameed, S. M., and Joos, E. 2021. Socioeconomic status does not influence the presentation of patients with inguinal hernia at an urban Canadian teaching hospital. Available at SSRN: or

McKitrick, M., Schuurman, N., Crooks, V. A., and Snyder, J. 2021. Spatial and temporal patterns in Canadian COVID-19 crowdfunding campaigns. PloS ONE 16(8): e0256204.

Schuurman, N., Rosenkrantz, L., and Lear, S. A. 2021. Environmental preferences and concerns of recreational road runners. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(12): 6268.

Rosenkrantz, L., Schuurman, N., Bell, N., and Amram, O. 2021. The need for GIScience in mapping COVID-19. Health & Place 67: 102389.

Walker, B. B., Schuurman, N., Swanlund, D., and Clague, J. J. 2020. GIS-based multicriteria evaluation for earthquake response: A case study of expert opinion in Vancouver, Canada. Natural Hazards

Walker, B. B., Schuurman, N., Wen, C., Shakeel, S., Schneider, L., and Finley, C. 2020. Cancer resection rates, socioeconomic deprivation, and geographical access to surgery among urban, suburban, and rural populations across Canada. PLOS ONE 15(10): e0240444.

Swanlund, D., Schuurman, N., Zandbergen, P., and Brussoni, M. 2020. Street-masking: A network-based geographic mask for easily protecting geoprivacy. International Journal of Health Geographics 19: Article 26.

Brussoni, M., Lin, Y., Han, C., Janssen, I., Schuurman, N., Boyes, R., Swanlund, D., and Mâsse, L. C. 2020. A qualitative investigation of unsupervised outdoor activities for 10- to 13-year-old children: “I like adventuring but I don’t like adventuring without being careful”. Journal of Environmental Psychology

Rosenkrantz, L., Schuurman, N., Arenas, C., Nicol, A., and Hameed, M. 2020. Maximizing the potential of trauma registries in low- and middle-income countries. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open.

Schuurman, N., Walker, B. B., Swanlund, D.,  Amram, O., and Yanchar, N. Qualitative field observation of pedestrian injury hotspots: A mixed-methods approach for developing built- and socioeconomic-environmental risk signatures. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(6): 2066.

Schuurman, N., Martin, M. E., Crooks, V. A.,  and Randall, E. 2020. Where to enhance rural palliative care? Developing a spatial model to identify suitable communities most in need of service enhancement. BMC Health Services Research 20: 168.

Wister, A. V., Rosenkrantz, L., Shashank, A., Walker, B. B., and Schuurman, N. 2020. Multimorbidity and socioeconomic deprivation among older adults: A cross-sectional analysis in five Canadian cities using the CLSA. Journal of Aging and Environment.

Michener, S., Bell, L. S., Swanlund, D., and Schuurman, N. 2020. A method to interpolate osteon volume designed for histological age estimation research. Journal of Forensic Science.

Candy, S., Schuurman, N., MacPherson, A., Schoon, R., and Yanchar, N. 2020. “Who is the right patient?” Insights into pediatric trauma triage influencers. Journal of Pediatric Surgery.

Martin, M., and Schuurman, N. 2020. Social media big data acquisition and analysis for qualitative GIScience: Challenges and opportunities. Annals of American Association of Geographers.

Swanlund, D., Schuurman, N., and Brussoni, M. 2019. MaskMy.XYZ: An easy-to-use tool for protecting geoprivacy using geographic masks. Transactions in Geographic Information Science.

Walker B. B., Shashank, A., Gasevic, D., Schuurman, N., Poirier, P., Teo, K., Rangarajan, S., Yusuf, S. and Lear, A. S. 2019. The local food environment and obesity: Evidence from three cities. Obesity.

Rosenkrantz, L., Schuurman, N., and Hameed, M. 2019. Trauma registry implementation and operation in low and middle income countries: A scoping review. Global Public Health.

Rosenkrantz, L., Amram, O., Caudell, M. A., Schuurman, N., and Call, D. R. 2019. Spatial relationships between small-holder farms coupled with livestock management practices are correlated with the distribution of antibiotic resistant bacteria in northern Tanzania. One Health.

van Duynhoven, A., Lee, A., Michel, R., Snyder, J., Crooks, V. A., Chow-White, P., and Schuurman, N. 2019. Spatially exploring the intersection of socio-economic status and Canadian cancer-related medical crowdfunding campaigns. BMJ Open

Makanga, P. T., Sacoor, C., Schuurman, N., Lee, T., Vilanculo, F. C., Munguambe, K., Boene, H., Ukah, U. V., Vidler, M., Magee, L. A., Sevene, E., von Dadelszen, P., and Firoz, T. 2019. Place-specific factors associated with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in Southern Mozambique: A retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open 9.

Yafe, E., Walker, B. B., Amram, O., Schuurman, N., Randall, E., Friger, M., and Adini, B. 2018. Volunteer first responders for optimizing management of mass casualty incidents. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness.

Shashank, A. and Schuurman, N. 2018. Unpacking walkability indices and their inherent assumptions. Health & Place

Barbosa, K., Walker, B. B., Schuurman, N., D'avila Lins Bezerra Cavalcanti, S., Ferreira, E., and Ferreira, R. 2018. Epidemiological and spatial characteristics of interpersonal physical violence in a Brazilian city: A comparative study of violent injury hotspots in familial versus non-familial settings, 2012-2014. PLOS ONE.

Swanlund, D., and Schuurman, N. 2018. Second generation biometrics and the future of geosurveillance: A minority report on FAST. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 17(4): 920–938.

Han, C. S., Mâsse, L. C., Wilson, A., Janssen, I., Schuurman, N., and Brussoni, M. 2018. State of play: Methodologies for investigating children’s outdoor play and independent mobility. Children, Youth and Environments 28(2): 194–231.

Tansley, G., Schuurman, N., Bowes, M., Erdogan, M., Green, R., Asbridge, M., and Yanchar, N. 2018. Effect of predicted travel time to trauma care on mortality in major trauma patients in Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Surgery 62(2): 123–130.

Wister, A. V., Lear, A. S., Schuurman, N., MacKey, D., Mitchell, B., and Fyffe, I. 2018. Development and validation of a multi-domain multimorbidity resilience index for an older population: Results from the Baseline Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. BMC Geriatrics 18.

Swanlund, D. and Schuurman, N. 2018. Resisting geosurveillance: A survey of tactics and strategies for spatial privacy. Progress in Human Geography.

Crooks, V. A., Giesbrecht, M. Castleden, H., Schuurman, N., Skinner, M., and Williams, A. 2018. Community readiness and momentum: identifying and including community-driven variables in a mixed-method rural palliative care service siting model. BMC Palliative Care 17: 59.

Amram, O., Schuurman, N., Randall, E., Zhu, F., Saeedi, J., Rieckmann, P., Yee, I., and Tremlett, H. 2018. The use of satellite data to measure ultraviolet-B penetrance and its potential association with age of multiple sclerosis onset multiple sclerosis and related disorders. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 21: 30–34.