Introduction - Our Business Plan

          How many of you out there have heard of Amway? Yes, Amway! The very mention of the name brings hatred and disgust to all who have ever tried to make money using their system, yet, nearly all people who buy their products would say, "Amway, they make damn good soap!"  Well, guess what everybody... Amway's get-rich-quick scheme has been replaced!  Thats right, Amway is no longer operating in North America, rather, a different company manages selling the business system.  Forget Amway, how many of you have heard of Quixtar?

        So now you know my theme, what does it have to do with my GIS project?  Well, my roomate has recently become an IBO* with Quixtar.  His initial plan was to lay out his "plan of attack" before even joining, and it would have worked just fine if not for us staying up till 4:00am one night talking about it.  In short, we came up with a business plan that could potentially make us both rich and with little capital investment!  I cannot disclose the details of this plan, however, I can say that one major piece of the puzzle is where to put our store.  To start, our business would probably just be a web-based business, but with the crash of the dot-com businesses in 2000, I think at this time a store would be more prudent.

        So now the real question is this: Where the do we locate our store with respect to zoning conditions, transportation access and general spatial population patterns?