
I am uncertain as to where possible areas to developement residential building might be. However, I believe a can rule out some areas. I do not think that there will be any places in Richmond or simply because of the of the soil type and elevation above sea level. Most analysts believe that in a strong earthquake that, due to the soil type, areas of Richmond will sink, caused by liquifaction. Therefore, since the risk of severe damage is present and because of my criteria, I believe that Richmond will not provide a suitable place for a new residential development. I also do not believe that there will be many places, if any, in Delta, since the majority of the landuse is agriculture. Finally, I think that the North Shore will provide very little suitable developement land for residential dwellings since there may be too many steep slope.

I think that the areas that will provide the most possible areas for development will be within Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey and possibly Port Coquitlam and Maple Ridge. I am hypothesizing these areas because I think they are higher than 25 metes above sea level, the slopes, if any are less severe and the soil types have enough strength not to give way during an earthquake or be condusive to landslides. However, these are just  personal guesses as to where a suitable residential developement may take place.

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