Hydrogen-diesel dual fuel engines for heavy-duty commercial vehicles: modelling and analysis
Industrial sponsor: Hydra Energy Inc.
Collaborators: Erik Kjeang (SFU, MSE); Patrick Kirchen, Steven Rogak and Ryozo Nagamune (UBC, Mechanical Engineering)
Funding: Mitacs Accelerate, NSERC Alliance
Synopsis: The project is supporting Hydra Energy as they develop a near-term approach to reduce GHG emissions from on-road commercial vehicles through the use of hydrogen as an additional fuel in a diesel engine. The project involves developing engine, vehicle, and life-cycle models for a class-8 commercial truck equipped with Hydra's fuelling system. The models will be built using data from Hydra's on-road vehicle testing as well as chassis and engine test-cell data from the partnership with UBC.
Students: Reza Farzam and Zarqoon Mumtaz