Teaching Assistant positions


Teaching Assistant and Tutor-Marker Positions for Fall 2024 are now OPEN!


Application Opening Date: June 25, 2024

Application Closing Date
: July 8, 2024  

Appointment Duration and Timeline

Appointment Dates: Aug 26 - Dec 20, 2024

*TAs/TMs must be available from start of term and until final grades have been submitted or last day of term.

*TAs are expected to invigilate both midterm and final exams for their section.

*TAs may be required to work on weekends during final exam grading to meet the 96-hour (4 day) deadline.

TA Training

New TAs or TAs looking for a refresher may attend the Teaching Strategies workshops held by the SFU’s Centre for Educational Excellence.   


Please see Collective Agreement and Salary Scales here

Hiring Priorities

For the purposes of filling jobs posted in EVSC under Article XIII F 3.1 (a), students registered:

  • for a master's degree;
  • for a doctoral degree;
  • or as a qualifying student for either a master's or doctoral program;
  • and who are supervised by a Faculty member in the School of Environmental Science shall be considered as priority group (i) applicants (i.e. those registered in the department).

Among those who fit one of the three bullet points mentioned above, the department will shortlist candidates based on:

  • Applicant’s Preference.
  • Applicant’s Availability.
  • Meeting Funding Commitments

How do i apply?

Please submit the following documents:

  1. An electronic copy of the EVSC TA Application Form
  2. Previous teaching evaluations (if posts were held outside of the Environmental Science Program).
  3. Curriculum Vitae including list of relevant courses taken and taught, and references.
  4. Your availability for tutorials (on all campuses relevant to posted positions).

Applications should be addressed to: Rebecca Ho, Manager, Academic and Administrative Services, School of Environmental Science, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby BC, V5A 1S6.

Applications will be accepted via email at

Fall 2024 TA POSTING - download PDF below 

All appointments and offers are subject to course enrolment and budgetary approval.

Simon Fraser University is committed to the principle of equity in employment and offers equal employment opportunities to qualified applicants. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Freedom of information and protection of privacy: Information received in response to this advertisement is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, C.468, s.27(4)(a)), and the University's policy on Collection of Personal Information (I 10.05). The information is directly related to processing applications for sessional appointments and for offers of employment for successful applicants.

*If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information or require more information about the positions and application process, please contact Department Manager,, phone: 778 782 9032.