Dr. Suzanne Smythe
Associate Professor, Adult Literacy and Adult Education
Faculty Teaching Fellow
Chair, SSHRC Intitutional Grants Advisory Committee (SFU)
- Email: sksmythe@sfu.ca
- Office: Vancouver Campus, Harbour Centre UM136
Research Interests
I work at the intersections of adult literacy, digital equity and community-based learning. My current research program explores new technologies, literacies and digital justice in community-based adult learning settings, asking questions such as,
- How are automation and datafied ecosystems transforming literacies and pedagogies in community settings?
- How do we perceive and intervene in digital and algorithmic discrimination and exclusions as these occur in everyday encounters in digital education?
- What new theories, methods and critical and experimental pedagogies make more just digital ecosystems possible?
See for example, Automated Literacies (SSHRC IG) with Nathalie Sinclair (co-PI), Gwenaëlle André, Sheree Rodney, and Rajeeta Samala.
Teaching practice
I am currently the faculty's "University Teaching Fellow" though I much prefer the term Teaching Mentor, a colleague to support teaching interests in the faculty.
I teach in the Languages, Cultures and Literacies (LCL) PhD program and in Equity Studies in Education (ESE). Recent course offerings include the doctoral seminar in ethnographic methods in literacies inquiry, co-taught with Dr. Pooja Dharamshi, with an emphasis on critical, relational and conceptual modes of ethnographic inquiry including non-representational ethnography, speculative methods and community-based inquiry.
With the assistance of Pedro dos Santos, I developed and regularly teach EDUC 341 Literacy, Education and Culture
University roles
- Faculty Teaching Fellow
- Chair, SSHRC Institutional Grants
- Editorial board member of Reading Research Quarterly and the International Review of Education;
- Member of the Research Advisory Committee of the BC Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives;
- Member of Board of Directors Decoda, the BC Literacy Hub, and a member of the Downtown Eastside Literacy Roundtable;
- I am the Faculty of Education liaison for a Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP) in digital literacies at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House (funded by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education).