2019 - 2020 Registered Publications

Publications are sourced from the SFU central publication database. They are listed here in order of publication date.

Journal articles: 45; Conference proceedings: 4; Book chapters: 8

Analytics for student engagement
Date: 2020-01-01
Authors: Vytasek J., Patzak A., Winne P.

Dashboards for computer-supported collaborative learning
Date: 2020-01-01
Authors: Liu A., Nesbit J.

Re-thinking ‘Concrete to Abstract’ in Mathematics Education: Towards the Use of Symbolically Structured Environments
Date: 2019-12-01
Authors: Coles A., Sinclair N.
Keywords: Concrete and abstract, Learning mathematics, Manipulatives, Symbolically structured environment, Tens chart, TouchTimes

Design and Validation of a Tool to Measure Associations between the Learning Environment and Student Well-Being: The Healthy Environments and Learning Practices Survey (HELPS)
Date: 2019-08-15
Authors: Zandvliet D., Stanton A., Dhaliwal R.
Keywords: Higher education, Learning environments, Student well-being

nStudy: Software for learning analytics about learning processes and self-regulated learning
Date: 2019-08-05
Authors: Winne P., Teng K., Chang D., Lin M., Marzouk Z., Nesbit J., Patzak A., Rakovic M., Samadi D., Vytasek J.
Keywords: Cognition, Metacognition, Self-regulated learning, Trace data

Moving between theory and practice within an Indigenous research paradigm
Date: 2019-08-01
Authors: Pidgeon M.
Keywords: Canada, ethics, higher education, Indigenous methodology, Indigenous research paradigm

Thinking beyond childcare: Supporting community college student-parents
Date: 2019-08-01
Authors: Sallee M., Cox R.

Ecological education via “islands of discourse”: teacher education at the intersection of culture and environment
Date: 2019-07-15
Authors: Zandvliet D.
Keywords: Environmental education, Place-based education, Teacher Education

Self-regulated learning in research with gifted learners
Date: 2019-07-03
Authors: Winne P.
Keywords: higher-order processing, learning technologies, self-regulated learning

Paradigmatic Dimensions of Instrumentation and Analytic Methods in Research on Self-Regulated Learning
Date: 2019-07-01
Authors: Winne P.

Conception de tâches MERLO: un dispositif dans la formation continue pour l’enseignement de la géométrie
Date: 2019-06-15
Authors: Thibault M., Sinclair N.
Keywords: Dynamic geometry, Geometry, Mathematical concept, MERLO, Register of representation, Teacher education

Ritualisation in early number work
Date: 2019-06-15
Authors: Coles A., Sinclair N.
Keywords: Early number, Number naming, Ritual, Ritualisation, Symbolically structured environment

Using Theory of Change to evaluate socially-situated, inquiry-based academic professional development
Date: 2019-06-01
Authors: Amundsen C., D'Amico L.
Keywords: Academic development, Faculty development, Professional development, Program evaluation, SoTL, Theory of change

Body studies in mathematics education: diverse scales of mattering
Date: 2019-05-01
Authors: Sinclair N., de Freitas E.
Keywords: Biosocial, Body, Disability, Methodology, Politics, Post humanism, Technology

Stratigraphy as a method for studying the different modes of existence arising in the mathematical classroom
Date: 2019-05-01
Authors: Mikulan P., Sinclair N.
Keywords: Deleuze, Gesture, Instauration, Method, Number, Souriau, Stratigraphy, TouchCounts, Virtual

Donald E. Polkinghorne (1936-2018)
Date: 2019-05-01
Authors: Carter J., Sugarman J., Wertz F.

In search of policy that supports educational innovation: Perspective of a place- and community-based elementary school
Date: 2019-05-01
Authors: Blenkinsop S., Maitland C., MacQuarrie J.
Keywords: environment, policy, public schools, School change, social innovation

Australian teachers voice their perceptions of the influences of stereotypes, mindsets and school structure on teachers’ expectations of Indigenous students
Date: 2019-04-03
Authors: Riley T., Pidgeon M.
Keywords: Aboriginal, equity, expectations, school structure, stereotypes, teacher mindset, teacher training and professional development

(Mis)Measuring Developmental Math Success: Classroom Participants’ Perspectives on Learning
Date: 2019-04-03
Authors: Cox R., Dougherty M.

Professional development learning environments (PDLEs) embedded in a collaborative online learning environment (COLE): Moving towards a new conception of online professional learning
Date: 2019-03-16
Authors: vanOostveen R., Desjardins F., Bullock S.
Keywords: Collaborative online learning environment, Disruption of conventional learning, Moodle, Personal theories of learning, Problem-based learning, Problem-Based Learning Objects

Meeting Across History: A Dialogue
Date: 2019-03-04
Authors: Frie R., Grand S.

History’s Ethical Demand: Memory, Denial, and Responsibility in the Wake of the Holocaust
Date: 2019-03-04
Authors: Frie R.

Topic development to support revision feedback
Date: 2019-03-04
Authors: Vytasek J., Patzak A., Winne P.
Keywords: Student support, Topic modeling, Writing analytics, Writing revision

An affective lens for tensions emerging from teacher professional development
Date: 2019-03-01
Authors: Andrà C., Rouleau A., Liljedahl P., Di Martino P.

An empty chair performs: Performative inquiry
Date: 2019-02-26
Authors: Fels L.
Keywords: Metaphor, Narrative, Pedagogy, Performance, Performative inquiry

What is social justice? Implications for psychology
Date: 2019-02-01
Authors: Thrift E., Sugarman J.
Keywords: Inequality, Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Social justice, Welfare

Growing the conversation: A burgeoning response
Date: 2019-01-28
Authors: Humphreys C., Blenkinsop S.

Psychoanalysis, Experiential History, and Empathy
Date: 2019-01-02
Authors: Frie R.
Keywords: empathy, enabler, experience, Germany Holocaust, history, perpetrator, psychoanalysis

Overcoming Ambivalence: Psychoanalysis and the Humanities
Date: 2019-01-02
Authors: Frie R.

Psychoanalysis and History in Conversation: A Dialogue with Thomas Kohut
Date: 2019-01-02
Authors: Frie R., Kohut T.
Keywords: bystander, empathy, Germany, history, Holocaust, Nazi, psychoanalysis

Making “Second Generation,” Inflicting Linguistic Injuries: An Ethnography of a Mainland Chinese Church in Canada
Date: 2019-01-02
Authors: Han H.
Keywords: First-Generation Immigrants, Linguistic injuries, linguistic nationalism, raciolinguistic minority, religion, “Second-Generation”

Language Ideology, Christianity, and Identity: Critical Empirical Examinations of Christian Institutions as Alternative Spaces
Date: 2019-01-02
Authors: Han H., Varghese M.
Keywords: Christianity, ethnography, identity, language ideology, language socialization

Do we need to insist on REAL numbers?
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Moutinho I., Zazkis R.
Keywords: Constructing Real Numbers, Dialogue, Duoethnography, Real Numbers

Fraction images: the case of six and a half
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Marmur O., Yan X., Zazkis R.
Keywords: concept image, Fractions, prospective teachers, scripting tasks, semiotic representation

Academic challenges as opportunities to learn to self-regulate learning
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Hadwin A., Davis S., Bakhtiar A., Winne P.

Relations of multivariate goal profiles to motivation, epistemic beliefs and achievement
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Zhou M., Adesope O., Winne P., Nesbit J.
Keywords: achievement, achievement goals, epistemic belief, motivation

What can completion time of quizzes tell us about students’ motivations and learning strategies?
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Tan T., Jain M., Obaid T., Nesbit J.
Keywords: Goal orientation, Online learning, Quiz, Retrieval practice

The conceptualisation of cognitive tools in learning and teachnology: A review
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Pakdaman-Savoji A., Nesbit J., Gajdamaschko N.

Relations of multivariate goal profiles to motivation, epistemic beliefs and achievement
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Zhou M., Adesope O., Winne P., Nesbit J.
Keywords: achievement, achievement goals, epistemic belief, motivation

Environmental end game: ontos
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Beeman C., Blenkinsop S.
Keywords: education, New materialism, ontology, ontos

The conceptualisation of cognitive tools in learning and teachnology: A review
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Pakdaman-Savoji A., Nesbit J., Gajdamaschko N.

The eyes do not have it after all? Attention is not automatically biased towards faces and eyes
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Pereira E., Birmingham E., Ristic J.

Understanding plurilingualism and developing pedagogy: teaching in linguistically diverse classes across the disciplines at a Canadian university
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Marshall S.
Keywords: Canada, higher education, pedagogy, plurilingualism, teaching and learning

Digital Gaming by Older Adults: Can It Enhance Social Connectedness?
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Kaufman D., Sauve L.
Keywords: Bingo, Digital games, Older adults, Social benefits, Social connectedness, Survey, Wii games, World of Warcraft

Older Adults’ Perceptions About Commercially Available Xbox Kinect Exergames
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Jeremic J., Zhang F., Kaufman D.
Keywords: Exergames, Older adults, Xbox Kinect

Learning with educational games: Adapting to older adult’s needs
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Sauvé L., Kaufman D.
Keywords: Design, Educational Games, Seniors, Validation

Enhancing an online digital storytelling course for older adults through the implementation of andragogical principles
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Schell R., Da Silva D., Kaufman D.
Keywords: Andragogy, Digital Storytelling, Older Adults, Online Course Design

Design and evaluation of an online digital storytelling course for seniors
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Kaufman D., Silva D., Schell R., Hausknecht S.
Keywords: Digital storytelling, Online course, Seniors

Participant-Driven Health Education Workshops With Men Transitioning From Prison to Community
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: McLeod K., Bergen C., Roth K., Latimer C., Hanberg D., Stitilis B., Buxton J., Fels L., Oliffe J., Myers N., Leggo C., Martin R.
Keywords: community-based participatory research, health education, health promotion, health research, men’s health, program planning and evaluation

Critical care of creationism
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Zhao S., Chang D., Miyakawa M., Bai H.
Keywords: American Buddhism, Creationism, Evolution, Mindfulness, Pedagogy, Religion, Science education

Eastern wisdom, inner work, and aging: a contribution in second wave positive psychology
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Cohen A., Bai H.
Keywords: aging, creativity, Daoism, Eastern wisdom, lnner work, post-egoic self, Second wave positive psychology

Learning with multiple representations and student engagement in secondary education: A preliminary review of literature
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Gebre E., Bailie A.

Life Phenomenology and Relational Flow
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Smith S., Lloyd R.
Keywords: affectivity, flow, interaction, life, movement, phenomenology

Spirituality and dance
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Snowber C.

The (Un)deserving adult: Examining British Columbia’s adult basic education policy
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Walker J., Smythe S.
Keywords: Adult basic education, Canada, deserving discourses, freedom of information documents, neoliberalism, policy studies

Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Frie R.
Keywords: family, generations, Holocaust, memory, Nazi past, responsibility, silence, trauma

Using Persuasive Refutation Texts to Prompt Attitudinal and Conceptual Change
Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Thacker I., Sinatra G., Muis K., Danielson R., Pekrun R., Winne P., Chevrier M.
Keywords: Attitude, Conceptual change, Epistemic emotion, Persuasive text, Refutation text