The digital library of the Centre for Restorative Justice was built in 2019 with help from a grant awarded by the Department of Justice Canada. The intention of this library is to both serve as an extensive and searchable online database of restorative justice resources, and to devise a system for cataloguing the many documents contained physically within the Centre for Restorative Justice. Over the course of this project, over 7000 individual reference entries were meticulously added to the library. This included over a thousand original documents contained within the Centre, which required the creation of an original classification system.
Our online library, hosted on, is finally available for viewing. If searching for an physical item within the Centre, please use the Library Catalogue column to determine if the Centre has it (all physical items in the library are tagged "In CRJ") and the Call Number column to determine its location, and contact Tania Arvanitidis at for library access.
Click here to access the digital library of the CRJ.
Please note that some browsers may not permit access to Zotero libraries via hyperlinks embedded on external websites. If you are having trouble accessing the library via the above link, simply copy and paste the link in the address bar yourself into a new window.
The library was last updated on March 2020.