About the project
"Compassionate Canada?" is a new unit for the BC Social Studies 11 curriculum, currently under development. Intended to be implemented over a two week period, the unit invites high school students to investigate the question, "Has Canada become a more compassionate country over the past 100 years?" This question will be pursued in relation to three strands of evidence dealing with Immigration, Rights and Freedoms, and the Social Safety Net.
Students in each participating class will be divided into small groups to examine an array of documentary evidence, which has been collected and digitized by our team. While studying the evidence in our secure on-line forum, students will have access to advice and guidance from volunteer historian "telementors."
A variety of research will be taking place in conjunction with the unit when it becomes available. Its main purpose is help grade 11 students understand the contested nature of historical knowledge more deeply, as they cover the mandated provincial curriculum.