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Hogan Yu Awarded Faculty of Science Research Award

Congratulations to Dr Hogan Yu!
Dr. Hua-Zhong (Hogan) Yu was recently awarded the Faculty of Science Research Award for his work at the interface between fundamental science and industrial technology with the development of portable quantitative tools from mobile electronics for medical diagnosis and chemical analysis. This work alongside his contributions to the de novo fabrication of electrochemical biosensors based on functional DNA nanoswitches (e.g., aptamers and DNAzymes) makes him a very worthy recipient of this prestigious award at SFU.
To read more about the award see the link - https://www.sfu.ca/science/news/2024-news/congratulations-to-the-2024-recipients-of-the-faculty-of-science/
To visit Dr Yu's research page - https://www.sfu.ca/chemistry/department/faculty-staff/profiles/research-faculty/hhyu.html