Tryptek Disconnected began as a fourth year interactive arts course with over 40 SFU Surrey university students. The purpose of the course was to create an innovative design project together as a class. In the past the course had produced projects that built immersive environments and interactive works. This year the class was larger than ever before, and the resulting project was entirely student managed, designed, and produced.

From the original ideas our class produced, we had two main goals: to explore different narrative and interactive structures, and play with the graphic novel style in a new media format. We were influenced by many different areas in a variety of media, such as: Red Vs Bluemachinima” episodes, multi-perspective radio shows, feature films like “Waking Life” and comic to movie transitions such as “Spider Man”. We combined the stylized visuals from these movies with a graphic novel framework, and built it around a multi-perspective narrative. In this way we hoped to create an original work that was innovative and interesting.