
Build new friendships

OFFA and its main student life partner, the Conseil jeunesse francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CJFCB), organize tons of activities to help you socialize and enjoy unique experiences in French!

You can also get involved in various SFU clubs and associations, or in events organized by OFFA and other partners.

Explore all the opportunities available to you below, and make sure you sign up for the "Vie étudiante" newsletter so you don't miss a thing.



Every year, in mid-September, OFFA organizes a Back-to-School French Fête, open to all French speakers at SFU. It's the perfect opportunity to meet SFU's Franco community and discover all the French-language resources and opportunities on campus.

When: mid-September

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BC Francophone Youth Parliament (see what the participants of last editions have to say!)

A parliamentary simulation that brings together 115 participants from across British Columbia to Victoria in the BC Legislature. For 3 days, students are immersed in the reality of Canadian political life! This activity is highly recommended for students in the first year of the French Cohort Program in Public and International Affairs. OFFA covers all registration fees for many participants every year!

Check out the interview with Riley and Jeremy, two students from the French Cohort Program who were MLAs at the 2020 edition of the PJFCB.

When: mid-January

For more information





Grand Voyage

Since 2019, OFFA has partnered with the CJFCB to allow students from the French Cohort Program in Public and International Affairs to participate in the Festival du Voyageur in Winnipeg! Each year, the BC delegation joins youth delegations from Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba for a weekend full of activities.

Students have the chance to learn about the stories of the Voyageurs, Métis and First Nations, attend concerts, visit the Human Rights Museum, ice skate on a river and enjoy the overall atmosphere of the Festival, including ice sculptures and traditional food. This was a great opportunity for the SFU delegation to have an authentic Francophone experience in Western Canada and to create lasting ties with the greater Franco-Canadian community.

Created in 1970, the Festival du Voyageur is the largest francophone winter festival in Western Canada. Held in St. Boniface, Winnipeg's French Quarter, it welcomes over 100,000 visitors each year.

When: mid-February

Take a look back at the last edition or discover the testimonies of 4 FCP students (Cyan, Hamish, Joszef and Sophie) who tell us about their great adventure. Details of the next "Grand Voyage" will be confirmed soon. Stay tuned!

OFFA’s Bilingual Job Fair

For the past few years, OFFA has organized a Bilingual Job Fair. At this event, you will be able to meet with more than 15 companies and organizations that are looking for talented bilingual individuals for part-time and full-time jobs. This event is open to the public and is especially recommended for students in the French Cohort Program (FCP) and the Department of French at SFU.

Are you already working in an organization that is looking for bilingual candidates and would like to reserve a table for this fair? Send us an email at to mention your interest.

When: in the Spring term

OFFA’s Printemps de la francophonie

The Printemps de la francophonie is an annual celebration of the Canadian and international Francophonie. During this month of activities (in March), you will have the opportunity to attend conferences, workshops and film screenings, sometimes as part of your classes. You will also be able to participate in roundtable discussions on current issues and meet inspiring people from across Canada and around the world. All PDLF activities are free and open to the public. Don't hesitate to invite your friends.

When: from March 1st to 31st

Learn more


Every May, the CJFCB organizes the BC Francophone Games. This event, open to young people aged 14 to 25, includes many artistic and cultural workshops, as well as sports competitions over 3 days. As an SFU student, part (or sometimes all) of your registration fee may be paid by OFFA. Please contact before registering to find out if you are eligible for this discount.

When: mid-May

For more information


The SAGA, organized by the CJFCB, is the ideal event for people who want to get involved in the francophone community. It's also during this event that the CJFCB Annual General Meeting is held, where you can try your luck at securing a position on the CJFCB Board of Directors. As an SFU student, part (or sometimes all) of your registration fee may be paid by OFFA. Please contact before registering to find out if you are eligible for this discount.

When: end of June


6@8 Franco from the Conseil jeunesse francophone de la C.-B.

Every month, members of the Conseil jeunesse francophone de la Colombie-Britannique organize evenings for French-speaking people in the Vancouver area. Everyone can participate, regardless of language level, so don't hesitate to invite all your friends who want to spend a pleasant evening in French!

When: all year round

Subscribe to the 6@8 Franco Facebook page to make sure you receive invitations.


The CJFCB 18+ Committee is a group of some 15 people who organize activities open to all French-speaking young people aged 18 to 25 in B.C. The members meet monthly from a distance, to put together the year's program: evenings, outdoor outings, relaxation workshops, arts, sports... The goal is to meet other young people, have a good time and, above all, speak French!

OFFA is pleased to sponsor three activities (generally in the fall, winter and spring) that allow SFU students to participate free of charge and meet new people! All information concerning these activities will be shared in the “Vie étudiante” newsletter.

When: all year round

The committee recruits new members every year. If you'd like to get involved, check out the website for all the details.


Throughout the year, OFFA organizes contests where you can win tickets to French-language cultural events such as plays at Théâtre La Seizième, music concerts or comedy shows at the Centre culturel francophone de Vancouver.

When: throughout the year

Follow OFFA's Instagram page to enter!


Throughout the year, OFFA organizes many events, conferences and workshops. Follow OFFA's Instagram, join our mailing list or visit our event page to learn more!

When: throughout the year



French Student Union (FSU)

The French Student Union (FSU) is a group that aims to promote French culture and language at SFU. SEF organizes all kinds of activities, events and represents the interests of students in French programs at SFU. You can get involved with this organization by joining its board of directors or by simply participating in the various activities and events.

For more information

French Conversation Club (FCC)

The French Conversation Club (FCC) at SFU is for all students who enjoy speaking French or who want to practice their oral skills in French. The goal of the club is to create a casual place for all francophones and francophiles at SFU to talk and have fun in French.

For more information

Political Science Student Union (PSSU)

The Political Science Student Union (PSSU) represents the interests of students taking courses in SFU's Department of Political Science. Since Spring 2021, this association has sometimes been organizing bilingual activities, in addition to having a "French Cohort Program Representative" position on its Board of Directors.

For more information

GADFLY Journal

Gadfly is a new bilingual political science journal, created at SFU, offering publication opportunities for undergraduate students in fields (and subfields) related to political science. Gadfly is a solution to the limited opportunities for undergraduate students to contribute to academic discourse in both English and French. You can get involved with this journal by joining its team or submitting texts for publication.

For more information


French for the Future Local Forum

Each spring, we have the pleasure of hosting this event on the SFU Burnaby campus. About 30 volunteers are usually needed to help about 300 high school students live an unforgettable experience, in French. 

To be part of the volunteer team, send an email to to mention your interest.

When: end of April

For more information

Canadian Parents for French Concours d’art oratoire

Each spring, Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is looking for judges for its provincial finals. The event brings together approximately 300 students in grades 6-12 from across BC. Note: You do not need to have experience as a judge to get involved. A short training session will be offered on the morning of the event.

To be a part of the judging team, email to mention your interest.

When: first Saturday in May

For more information