Get Involved with the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Photo by Kristen McLaughlin

Are you interested in learning more about BC's and the world's history? Are you interested in pursuing a museum career or gaining invaluable museum experience? Would you like to learn more about heritage management and history? If so, you should consider getting involved with the SFU MAE! The work of our volunteers, work study students, and RAs helps to continuously develop  the museum's position as a cultural institution. We would love to have you on board! 

There are a variety of ways to be involved in the museum, such as volunteering, becoming an RA, helping with events, and more. 

If this is something that you are interested in, please email the director, at for more information and be sure to read below for more details. 




A Research Associate is given responsibility within the MAE. They help to run the museum, field calls, tours, and questions from the public, and work on specific projects that they are interested in. These projects help the museum to develop and grow as a cultural institution and can be long-lasting. RAs work together to help the museum run smoothly. Some examples of past RA projects are: revamping the exhibitions in the gallery, digitizing and running the archives collection, writing policies and procedures, conservation of artifacts, developing and organizing cataloguing systems, and more. 

To be an RA, you must commit a minimum of one year to the museum, 3 full days a week. If you are interested you must send in an application to the director. 



Volunteers help with a variety of tasks at the MAE and are given the opportunity to work on something they are passionate for or interested in learning more about. The experience gained from volunteering is invaluable. Some examples of volunteer work are: organizing and digitizing the archives, helping to recatalogue collections, cleaning of artifacts, helping with exhibits, and more. 

There is a minimum number of hours per week that must be met to be a volunteer. If you are interested please email the director.


If you are interested in making a donation to the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, please email the director.