Dr. Christina Giovas - Selected Recent Publications


Giovas, C.M. and LeFebvre, M.J. (Eds.), 2018. Zooarchaeology in Practice: Case Studies in Methodology and Interpretation in Archaeofaunal Analysis. Springer: Cham.


Giovas, C.M., 2017. Continental connections and insular distributions: Deer bone artifacts of the Precolumbian West Indies—a review and synthesis with new records. Latin American Antiquity. https://doi.org/10.1017/laq.2017.57.

Giovas, C.M., 2017. The Beasts at Large–Perennial Questions and New Paradigms for Caribbean Translocation Research. Part I: Ethnozoogeography of Mammals. Environmental Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.1080/14614103.2017.1315208.

Giovas, C.M., Lambrides, A.B., Fitzpatrick, S.M. and Kataoka, O., 2017. Reconstructing prehistoric fishing zones in Palau, Micronesia using fish remains: A blind test of inter‐analyst correspondence. Archaeology in Oceania 52(1):45-61.

Giovas, C.M., 2016. Though she be but little: Resource resilience, Amerindian foraging, and long-term adaptive strategies in the Grenadines, West Indies. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 11(2):238-263.

Giovas, C.M., Kamenov, G.D., Fitzpatrick, S.M. and Krigbaum, J., 2016. Sr and Pb isotopic investigation of mammal introductions: Pre-Columbian zoogeographic records from the Lesser Antilles, West Indies. Journal of Archaeological Science 69:39-53.

Additional publications: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=rLe9oSgAAAAJ&hl=en