Phase 6: Monitor & Iterate


In Phase 6, a process will be developed for monitoring key indicators and updating the Climate Action Plan over time. To maintain momentum, climate 'wins' should be communicated through regular progress reports.


This phase aligns with ICLEI Canada's BARC Framework Milestone 5 and the Partners for Climate Protection's Milestone 5. 

Step 6.1: Establish a Tracking and Monitoring Process

Page 105 of the LCR Handbook

  • It is essential to monitor the implementation of the Climate Action Plan. To paraphrase a business adage, we understand what we measure, and we can manage what we measure. Before implementing the plan, baseline data should be gathered in order to evaluate changes in policy development, plans, and outcomes. In addition, benchmarks should be established to track progress toward climate action goals.
  • LCR Tip: Aim to answer the following questions:
    • What is the baseline data for each indicator, and who is responsible for collecting the data?
    • How frequently will results be measured and reported?
    • What tools or software will be used to organize and/or communicate results?
  • Keep the Momentum: Ensure that the selected indictors will support progress toward the LCR actions, strategies, and aspirations in the Climate Action Plan.
The City of Port Moody added their Climate Action Plan to their existing reporting software, Envisio (which the City had been using to monitor a Corporate Strategic Plan). This software provides a single portal for ensuring departmental accountability for implementing, monitoring, and reporting progress on actions in each of the plan's focus areas. The Envisio dashboard provides transparency and accountability and allows all staff — but particularly climate and sustainability staff — to track climate performance. This is particularly helpful for assessing progress, identifying critical barriers and needs, and reporting to Council.

data_check 6.1 Step Check

  • Establish baseline data, benchmarks, and a monitoring process (e.g., software) for evaluating the implementation of the Climate Action Plan. 

Step 6.2: Communicate Progress Regularly

Page 108 of the LCR Handbook

  • It is important to report regularly on the progress of the Climate Action Plan to staff, elected officials, and community members. For ease of reporting, a climate action dashboard could be developed to keep staff and stakeholders informed, encourage ongoing support and enthusiasm, and ensure that climate action is top of mind in the organization and community.
  • Keep the Momentum: Remember to keep at it! Climate action is an area of inherent uncertainty, and plans will need to be re-evaluated on a regular basis. Revisit your priority actions, and update them to incorporate new findings or leverage new alignments (e.g., new funding streams, new data, or updated indicators/targets).

data_check 6.2 Step Check

  • Communicate climate wins and progress reports on a regular basis. 

Step 6.3: Iterate and Update the LCR Climate Action Plan

Page 108 of the LCR Handbook

  • It is important to maintain an agile and flexible internal culture. In addition, all department leads and Climate Action Team members should have clear expectations about ongoing work. Although climate action can be uncertain, the team should be prepared to learn about new developments and amend the Climate Action Plan over time.
  • LCR Tip: Continue to nurture the cross-departmental collaboration that was initiated in the planning stage. This will facilitate shared budgeting arrangements, opportunities for more systemic outcomes, and information exchange about progress on climate actions. 
  • Keep the Momentum: As the climate changes, so, too, will our responses. Available technologies, best practices, funding, legislation, and local government landscapes will continue to evolve. With this in mind, and to allow time for climate actions to mature, plan to review and renew the Climate Action Plan every five years.

data_check 6.3 Step Check

  • Continually explore opportunities to innovate. Congratulate yourself on your accomplishments!

Case Study

Image from: Sergio Ross

Tracking Progress in the City of Port Moody

LCR Champions will often track climate actions to show progress on indicators and/or identify needs for doing so. While some climate actions can be incorporated into existing mandates and work, others may require a new budget or a longer timeline to show progress. To allow time for actions to mature, while also ensuring they are updated on an iterative basis, Climate Action Plans should ideally have a five year renewal interval. 

For example, Port Moody’s Climate Action Plan is scheduled to be renewed in 2025. At that time, the following parameters will be assessed:

  • Demonstrating achievement/progress towards the plan’s goals;
  • Incorporating any newly available climate science and projections;
  • Re-assessing climate risks and vulnerabilities;
  • Updating financial considerations for actions;
  • Assessing greenhouse gas reductions;
  • Checking alignment with other important policy and guidance documents;
  • Informing the next segment of implementation phases; and
  • Encompassing ideas and work from partners and the community.

The goal of implementing and renewing Climate Action Plans is to embed and mainstream systemic climate action into all decision-making processes.