About ACT

ACT – Action on Climate Team is a state-of-the-art research-to-practice hub for the mobilization of climate change and sustainability knowledge and solutions. We work across sectors to mobilize relevant knowledge for practice.

Given a global climate crisis, Simon Fraser University embeds climate action throughout our operations, research, academics and community engagement. ACT is moving action on climate change from scholarship to practice and back to ensure that governments, organizations and individuals have the information they need to urgently address climate change and its global impacts—while transitioning toward sustainability goals.


Low Carbon Resilience

Leading low carbon resilience (LCR). ACT is a thought leader in LCR planning and implementation, helping governments, practitioners, businesses, and funding organizations adopt and integrate approaches to reduce climate risk, emissions and advance sustainability co-benefits into their strategies and practices.


Natural Solutions Initiative

Acting on nature-positive approaches. ACT’s Natural Solutions Initiative (NSI) will research how to apply nature-based solutions (NbS) to tackle the most pervasive 21st century challenges; climate change, biodiversity, equity and reconciliation, and municipal service delivery.



ACT publishes research reports identifying policy opportunities and resources designed to bridge from theory to action in support of systemic climate action that advances resilience and sustainability.

The ACT website allows you to access all of this content in one place.