
We will be using SageMath in this course to do computations. However, there are lots of other software packages available ranging from virtual puzzles (Rubik's cubes, slide puzzles, oval track puzzles, etc.) to cube solvers (enter a configuration of the cube, and it will tell you how to solve it). Below is a list of software we will find useful in this course.

Swap puzzle variations

15-puzzle and other slide puzzles

Oval Track (TopSpin)

Hungarian Rings

Rubik's Cube

  • CubeTwister. Werner Randelshofer's CubeTwister program is a number of things all rolled up into one nice package. Play with virtual cubes of all sorts (2x2x2 up to 7x7x7, etc.), create manouvers and watch videos of them being performed, it also has Kociemba's two-phase algorthim for solving the 3x3x3 cube. (Mac or Java version for all OS's)

  • Kociemba's Cube Explorer. Herbert Kociemba's software package for exploring the cube. Kociemba's two phase algorithm for solving the cube is implemented in the package. (Win)

  • Alg.Cubing.Net. Virtual cube that you can play around with, explore move sequences and learn about OLLs and PLLs.

Lights Out

Online Applets & Mobile Apps

  • Jaap's puzzle page: An extensive list of puzzles, solutions, and applets.

  • Magic Tile: Geometrical and Topological Analogues of Rubik's Cube
