他的太太,29岁,刚刚收到SFU postdoc offer的李喜珍今年3月初被诊断恶性心脏肿瘤,并已扩散,保守估计只有几个星期的生命。她今年1月5日刚从中国来,还没有BC省险。情况紧急,请大家显出一份爱心。具体情况如下。

Xiujun (James) Li is an international graduate student in Department of Chemistry at Simon Fraser University. He needs your kind help because his wife (Xizhen) was caught by malignant tumor in her heart and the illness was just diagnosed in Vancouver General Hospital on March 4th, 2005. She may die within a few weeks. She is only 29 years old and just successfully completing her doctorate degree in China last year.
Xizhen came to reunite with her husband on Jan 5 this year. To be more delightful, she also got a PostDoc position in SFU last month except for some recent ailments in her lung. On Feb 21, 2005, she went to see doctor for the shortness of breath and was quickly transferred to Emergency Department at Burnaby General Hospital. On Feb 24, 600 milliliter of fluids in her chest were removed, which relieved her from shortness of breath. However, the doctors there can not diagnose the illness. On March 1, she was transferred to Vancouver General Hospital (VGH). With the aid of magnetic resonant imaging (MRI) in VGH, they found a big tumor in her right atrium. To be more terrible, many spots appeared on her two lobes of lung which means that her lung was infected by cancer as well. A few days later, Xizhen bore two biopsy tests of her heart. The biopsy is not that successful because the doctor can only confirm what they found by MRI and CT and diagnosed that she got very bad heart CANCER. But they cannot determine what type of cancer it is (favour angiosarcoma). And the doctors feel that further attempts at classifying the tumor would likely cause iatrogenic PE and her subsequent death. Therefore, the type of cancer is still unknown.
The diagnose results gave them a terrible and despairing shock. A malignant tumor in heart and no surgery could be applied to even in VGH! Who knows when that damned tumor will break and kill Xizhen at once! She was discharged home on Mach 11th. She only has acute care medical coverage and doesn’t have MSP and extend health plan since these two plans need 3 month of living in BC before the qualification. Although there is possibility of a sudden pulmonary embolism causing sudden cardiovascular collapse due to the highly friable nature of her right atrial tumor, she cannot get the palliative care and family physician care, which put her in a very risky situation. James is an international student and his income from the scholarship cannot afford the palliative care, family physician care, home care, and the treatment fee. What is more, Xizhen wants to invite her mother in China to see her before her death, like you can imagine. The doctor wrote in the letter to Member of Parliament for her mother’s visa “May I emphasize the situation is urgent, and there is not a day to lose. There is a genuine concern that this lovely young scientist is threatened imminently.” She is very sad and hopeless and his husband, James, felt helpless. I am not sure whether her old parents can stand such great pain. She is so young- 29 years old! Could you give her and me a hand to save her life, to help her live longer, to help her live happily?
Any help from you including finance, advice and suggestion about the treatment will be highly appreciated.

Contact info:
Xiujun (James) Li, a graduate student in Department of Chemistry at SFU
James’s wife: XiZhen Li
Home phone: 604-630-6164 (You can leave message)
Email: xjunli@sfu.ca
Fax:604-291-3765 (Attention: James Li)

A student in Economics Department drew the following picture to call for helping James.  Copies of such picture were widely distributed on SFU campus.  SFU Chemistry Department and many other organizations and individuals are coming out to donate or to help organizing donations or to send blessing cards.  We are seeing a society full of love.  With these loves and strong supports, James' wife's situation is getting better and better.  For update information about James' wife's situation, please visit http://www.sfu.ca/~xiujunl /wife/wife.htm.

   你说你最爱丁香花  因为你的名字就是她
   多么忧郁的花    多愁善感的人啊
   花儿枯萎的时候   当画面定格的时候
   多么娇嫩的花    却躲不过风吹雨打
   飘啊摇啊的一生   多少美丽编制的梦啊
   就这样匆匆你走了  留给我一生牵挂
   那坟前开满鲜花   是你多么渴望的美啊
   *你看啊漫山遍野   你还觉得孤单吗
   你听啊有人在唱   那首你最爱的歌谣啊
   尘世间多少繁芜   从此不必再牵挂
   院子里栽满丁香花  开满紫色美丽的鲜花
   我在这里陪着她   一生一世保护它