
Xin's Idiom Collection

----(Chinese<->English) a close interpretation

Idiom List

听而不闻(hearing without listening), 言之无物(talking without speaking), 血肉长城 (the great wall of flesh and blood), 走马观花(cook's tour), 保持中立/骑墙(sit on the fence), 言之有理(make sense), 千钧一发(hang by a thread), 悬而未决(pending/up in the air), 唾手可得(at one's fingertips), 战战兢兢/提心吊胆(have one's heart in one's mouth), 冥思苦想/绞尽脑汁(rack one's brains), 衣着华丽(dressed up to nines/dressed fit to kill), 出其不意(毫无防备)地(off guard), 故弄玄虚/虚张声势(make a bluff/play a game of bluff), 眼见为实/百闻不如一见(Seeing is believing), 坚持到底(stay the course), 半途而废(give up halfway/leave something unfinished)

Other Useful Translations

常委(Standing Committee), 代理(职务)(interim), 全体成员大会(general membership meeting), (民工)migrant workers, 安心、放心 (peace of mind), 打假(crackdown on faked goods), 派出所/地方治安官员(justice of the peace), 自卑心理[情结]/自卑感(inferiority complex), 优越感/优越情结(superiority complex), 导盲()Seeing Eye (dog)

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The grand spirit of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression is a vivid reflection of the Chinese people’s persistent solidarity. Upon the Japanese invasion, Chinese people, here or there, old or young, rich or poor, gathered together with one mind, the rich donated money, while others contributed efforts, and built up an insurmountable Great Wall of resistance, with their flesh and blood.
“Never to be corrupted by wealth or title, never depart from your principles when in poverty and hardship, surrender never to power and force.” In times of national crisis, this formidable mettle and dauntless integrity prompt Chinese people to go through fire and water, fought to the last breath, making the anti-Aggression war a moving and praise-worthy epic.
It is now the 60th anniversary of China’s anti-Aggression War and the world’s anti-fascism war. And it is still of great significance today for us to review the buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of the gallant martyrs, and to carry forward our nation’s infinite morale of anti-aggression.

先从第一小节的几个难点说起吧。首先就是对“抗战”的处理,这本身确实也让我们阅卷者感到意外,居然“抗战”成了一个难点。凡将之译为“anti-Japanese War”,我们都视为正确。但有趣的是,不少同学翻成了“anti-war”,这可真是对“抗战”进行了彻底的“字面理解”(反抗战争)。事实上从严格意义上来说,“抗战”应当翻成“resisting Japanese aggression”更为贴切,而“anti-Japanese”有“破坏中日邦交正常化”之嫌。
同学们在考试过程中看到“和衷共济”往往都感到紧张和不好处理。我们也看到不少同学在翻译过程中力臻完美,总想体现出“共济”两字,于是就产生了类似这样的译文“the great spirit of anti-Japanese War also embodies (includes) the united spirit of sitting in the same boat”。其实这是大可不必的。即使是上海辞书版的《中国成语大辞典》对“和衷共济”的解释也只是“同心协力,克服困难”。
同学们在翻译中过于注重原来中文的表达,这一点在“中华儿女”一词的处理上也体现出来,不少同学硬要将其译为“children of China”,甚至还有一些同学自己进一步地开始发挥,写出类似“descendents of Yan and Huang”(炎皇子孙)的译文,这样的处理完全没有必要。我们翻译成“Chinese people”就足够了。
“地无分南北,人无分老幼”本身不应该是一个难点,后者很多考生都想到了“no matter young or old”这样的结构。但前者就暴露出考生们结构把握上的问题,太多的考生不假思索地翻成“Chinese people, no matter north or south…”,我觉得在“north”之前至少应该放一个“from”吧。也有考生很聪明地翻成“Chinese people, no matter northerners or southerners”,这就体现出他(她)比较强的结构意识。
“有钱的出钱,有力的出力”:乍一看,真有一点不好处理。不过不少考生还是给出了不错的答案。“the rich donated money, others contributed efforts”,这样的译文在我看到的近千份试卷中属于佼佼者了。略显笨拙但也完全可以接受的译文“those who have money gave money, those who have strength gave strength”。但不少考生的译文中把“力”翻译成“power”甚至“authority”,这里涉及到对中文原文的理解。当然,完全可能把“有力的出力”理解为有“实力”的人出力。但如果由此就译成为“those powerful people gave power”,就给人不知所云的感觉了。
“用血肉筑成了一座侵略者不可逾越的新的长城”:让我感到非常惊讶的是,居然有那么几个考生硬生生地将“长城”翻成“the long wall”,真是让我感慨今日学校爱国主义之实效了。比较有趣的现象是不少考生不知道这里的“血肉”应当是“blood and flesh”(其实光出现“flesh”已经足够),而翻译成“meat”。这样的翻译真是愧对先烈。
“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”:这句话已经被公认为本次考试汉译英中令人印象最为深刻的一句话了,考生们纷纷在此落马也是不奇怪的。但考生们也应该从近几年的考题中发现这类语言的翻译已经成为出题者的“必考内容”,应该心里有所准备。不过,作为阅卷者,我想提醒考生们一句话,“背”字诀不是上策。我了解到有许多考生在考试前大量收集中国经典名句的英语翻译,然后狂背一气,希望在考试中碰上一两句,这其实是没有太大效果的。我在阅卷过程中也发现有的考生的译文有背诵痕迹,但不是你的终究不会成为你的。最典型的例子,“威武不能屈”,显然有同学背过类似“never to succumb to force or threat”等的译文,不过印象中至少“succumb”一词就没有多少考生写对,从句式及结构上看,这三句话的译文也是背的似是而非。考生们在这段话上的处理是非常多样的,也不乏一些令人捧腹大笑的译文,比如“富贵不能淫”,居然翻成“be rich, but not sexy”。坐在我旁边的另一位阅卷教师跟我说,这句英语足可以和他学校的一个学生的大作“PK”,那位仁兄把“人之初,性本善”翻译成“since the beginning of human beings, sex is always good”!当然也有相当优秀的考生写下出色的译文,比如“never to be corrupted by richness, never sway because of poverty, and never surrender to power(force)”,我记得这个考生,我给出了43分的高分,当然他(她?)的译文亮点还不止这一点。令我们感到“拍案叫绝”的还有这样的能够“举重若轻”的高明译文“we should never change our determination no matter when we are rich, poor or under pressure”。寥寥几个简单的词,把看似难译的中文经典句子轻松化解。在口译考试短短30分钟的汉译英时间里,这是非常难得的。
第二小节中充满了较难处理的半文言文及四字格:“浩然之气概,不屈之节操”,“赴汤蹈火,殊死奋战”以及“救亡图存”。这又是考验我们中文功底的时候。中文理解能力较强的同学完全可以意识到“浩然之气概”与“不屈之节操”在我们考试的翻译过程中完全可以视为同一意思,用“noble spirit”就可以涵盖这两部分,如果想到“the unyielding noble spirit”当然更好。同样“赴汤蹈火”与“殊死奋战”也完全可以合并处理为“fight to the last breath”,而不一定非要把“汤”(boiling water)、“火”(fire)的字面意思翻出来。同样“救亡”与“图存”翻译出一个也就可以了,“to save our nation”。
最后一小节相对难度要低一些,但我想提一提第一句话“今年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年”,因为在阅卷过程中有两件事让我惊讶,一是有那么多考生把“暨”翻译成“i.e.”,“暨”与“即”完全是两回事情,“暨”意为“及、和”,而“即”意为“也就是”。另一个谅讶是大量的考生不知道“法西斯”对应的英语是“fascism”,翻得千奇百怪,实在不知道的就“anti-German War”,更机灵一点的就“anti-Nazi War”。这些译文都不是正确的,“法西斯主义”不仅仅是在德国,不仅仅体现在纳粹身上,同样也体现在二战中的意大利和日本。前面我提到一位被我评到43分的同学,他(她?)在这里的处理也非常令人佩服“The year 2005 is the 60th anniversary of the victory of Chinese people’s anti-Japanese Aggression and the whole world’s victorious fight against Fascism”我刻意在其译文中的相应部分改成斜体字,请大家体会一下,为了避免重复,这位译者并没有简单地把抗战及反法西斯这两个“胜利”用同样的方式处理。这一句话中另一个让人遗憾的地方是,不能翻好“60周年”,不知道怎样用好“anniversary”一词的同学比例非常之高。
The grand spirit of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression is a vivid reflection of the Chinese people’s persistent solidarity. Upon the Japanese invasion, Chinese people, here or there, old or young, rich or poor, gathered together with one mind, the rich donated money, while others contributed efforts, and built up an insurmountable Great Wall of resistance, with their flesh and blood.
“Never to be corrupted by wealth or title, never depart from your principles when in poverty and hardship, surrender never to power and force.” In times of national crisis, this formidable mettle and dauntless integrity prompt Chinese people to go through fire and water, fought to the last breath, making the anti-Aggression war a moving and praise-worthy epic.
It is now the 60th anniversary of China’s anti-Aggression War and the world’s anti-fascism war. And it is still of great significance today for us to review the buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of the gallant martyrs, and to carry forward our nation’s infinite morale of anti-aggression.
  (From http://www1.hjenglish.com/doc/detail.asp?ID=3394&Page=2 and http://bbs.exue.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=85866&extra=page%3D1)

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