
     Northeastern University (NEU) is located in Shenyang of Liaoning Province, the center of economy, culture and transportation in Northeast China. The campus with the total-floor space of 750,000 square meters covers 1.98 million square meters, Mr. Chang Hsueh-liang, the well-known marshal who was praised as "hero of ages" by the late Premier Zhou Enlai,is the honorary president and chairman of the board of trustees of the University.

    Northeastern University was founded in April of 1923. After over seventy years' development, it has become a nationally strategic university with outstanding academic programs in the engineering sciences and strong academic programs in physical and social sciences, and law and business administration sciences. The University is one of the 33 universities with graduate Schools in the nation. It has been approved by the state as one of the first group of "211 Project" universities which enjoy privileged construction.

    Northeastern University is operated directly under the Ministry of Education. The University adopts the management system of university and Schools. It has the School of Liberal Arts and Law, the School of Business Administration, the School of Sciences, the School of Resources and Civil Engineering, the School of Materials Science and Metallurgy, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Information Science and Engineering, the School of Gold, and the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of Physical Education, as well as Graduate Schools, the School of Adult Education, the Qinhuangdao Branch, the Liaoning Branch, and the NEU Continuous Education Center of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. The University has designed 46 undergraduate programs, 53 master's degree programs, and 23 doctoral degree programs. It has two key programs at the national level and nine key programs at the ministerial level. Post-doctoral circulating stations have been established for the five top-rate disciplines.

    When Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang held the position of president in 1928, NEU attracted a large amount of distinguished scholars such as Zhang Shizhao, Luo Wengan, Liang Shujue, Huang Kan, Liu Xian Zhou, Liang Shicheng, Zhuan Changgong, Feng Zhuxun, Song Junfu, Wu Guanyin, Hu Shiken, Lin Shun, Jin Shuliang, who used to teach at NEU. Among the current faculty body of 1950, there are 245 full professors, 706 associate professors, including five academicians of China Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Engineering, two academicians of foreign academies of sciences, seven members of the Discipline Evaluation group of the State Council, four distinguished trans-century professors appointed by the State Education Commission, and eighty Ph. D. advisers.

    After over 70 years' development, NEU has perfected a complete system of education: undergraduate, master's degree, doctoral degree, post-doctoral programs, foreign student, adult education, the continuous education. The University has total student body of 20621, including 1266 master's degree students and 541 doctoral degree students. Since its founding over 70 years ago, NEU has trained more than 110,000 students, some of which have emerged as academicians, leading experts, leaders at provincial or ministerial-level, managers of large-scale state-own enterprises, and outstanding people in the sectors of education, academy, industry, business, sports, culture.

    NEU is the cradle of high-level personnel and the base of scientific research. Since it successfully invented the first analogue computer of china in 1958, NEU has always committed itself to promotion of scientific and technological advances in China. The University has 28 research institutes, 109 laboratories and five experimental centers for teaching and research. It also has two national engineering research centers, three provincial engineering research centers, and one nationally strategic laboratory. The library, with a floor space of 21,800 square meters, holds more than 1.65 million volumes and 3,000 periodicals in various languages. The Northeast China's network center of the China Education and Research Computer Network is located on the campus. The access to INTERNET is available through the campus LAN.

    While it utilizes the advantage of training of qualified personnel and scientific research, the University attaches importance to the commercialization of high and new technology. Represented by NEU Software Group with NEU-Alpine company as its core business, the success of many high and new technology enterprise at NEU indicates that NEU has become one of the important based of high and new technology in China. The NEU Software Park with a total investment of 500 million RMB yuan and a land of 500,000 square meters will become the largest development base for software in China. Since the policy of reform and openness was practiced in China, NEU has made a great progress in terms of cultivation of qualified personnel, scientific research, and transfer of high and new technology, which indicated that NEU is striding towards a research-education university.

    Since 1986, the University has undertaken 9056 research projects from the National 863 High Tech Project, the National Climbing Project, national key research projects, international cooperative projects, and community and enterprise research projects. Among the completed research projects, 900 have been awarded prizes at international, national, provincial or ministerial levels and 250 have been granted patents. Over 15,0900 academic papers and 359 academic works have been published. The research fund of the University exceeded 100 million RMB Yuan in 1995 and in 1996. NEU ranks the fifth and sixth respectively in the National Scientific and Technological Advancement Prize and the National Invention Prize among its counterparts in China.

    Northeastern University attaches importance to international exchange. Since 1978, NEU has set up inter-university relations of academic exchange with over 50 universities and research from more than twenty countries and regions, including the US, Japan, Russia, UG, France, Italy, Germany, Republic of Korea, Canada, Singapore, Australia, and Taiwan, Hong Kong. The University has set up comprehensive relationships of cooperation with over 1500 research institutes, enterprises and local governments, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fujian Province, and Baoshan Steel Complex in Shanghai. More than Two thousand six hundred and thirty-one foreign experts have been invited to the University for lectures, cooperative research and other academic activities. One hundred and eighty Chinese and foreign well-known scholars, which include Professor Chen-Ning Yang and Professor Qian Weichang, have been invited as either NEU honorary or concurrent professors. Over one thousand eight hundred faculty members have been set abroad to 17 countries and regions to give lectures, conduct cooperative research, participate in conferences and do advanced studies. In recent years, over 20 large international conferences have been sponsored or organized by NEU.

    Following the wave of the reform and openness in China, the University with a patriotic tradition and academic style of "devotion, reality, solidarity, and creativity" will make itself an excellent university of national and international recognition in the early 21st century, based upon the integration of education, research and business and aided by its convenient location in Northeastern Asia Economic Rim and the historic opportunity of "211 Project".


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