Simon Fraser University


Colloquia 2010-2011

The 2010-2011 colloquium series includes the following talks:

(note: not all talks have accompanying photos)


Rob Stainton (UWO) "What is a Properly Pragmatic Impairment?" (September 17, 2010)


Sarah Stroud (McGill) "Partiality and Plural Agency" (October 15, 2010)


Michael Della Rocca (Yale) "Playing with Fire: Hume, Rationalism, and a Little Bit of Spinoza" (November 5, 2010)


Phil Clark (UofT) "Metaethics and the Mince-Pie Syllogism: Reflections on a Philosophical Joke" (November 19, 2010)


Rick Grush (UCSD) "You, me, and sub-agentive superordinate construct makes three" (November 26, 2010)


Kathleen Akins (SFU) "Black and White and Colour" (January 7, 2011)


Kent Schmor (SFU) "Carnap’s Aufbau, Quine, and the Fate of Metaphysics" (January 14, 2011)


Rob Stainton (UWO) "In Defense of Good Old-Fashioned Linguistics and Semantics" (January 20, 2011; Hosted by the Department of Linguistics)


Monica Aufrecht (SFU) "The illusion of agreement: discussing values in science" (February 4, 2011)


Christopher Hitchcock (CalTech) "Events and Times: A Case Study in Means-Ends Metaphysics" (February 25, 2011)


Eric Hutton (Utah) "Han Feizi and the ‘Paradox’ of Power" (March 25, 2011)


Eric Winsberg (South Florida) "Reflections on the Verification and Validation of Computer Simulations" (April 7, 2011; Sponsored by IRMACS)



Photos credit: Lyle Crawford




Rob Stainton Rob Stainton Kent Schmor Kent Schmor Monica Aufrecht Monica Aufrecht Monica Aufrecht Eric Hutton Eric Hutton