Thought Process

Testing & Research

Final Design

Presentation Design

Team project done with:

Gertie Han

Melvin Wong

Thought Process

This project was to practice digital design presentations where layout and white space still matters when working on presentation slides. This was also a team project where we had to illustrate a chosen designer's process and visual language through examples of their work.


Our slide designs must work  well and complement our chosen designer's works. We had to research our designer and present an analysis of the structure and principles evident in their designs.





The Designer I Chose:

Bruce Mau


I began making sketches of possible slide formats that can compliment Bruce Mau's designs. I found Bruce Mau's designs to be very simplistic and clean so I wanted to keep with that theme.


Here my team and I developed topics we will cover in our presentation and slides. It was so we can organize our thoughts and to ensure a smooth flow of information within our presentation.


Testing & Research

To keep the design simple, my team and I chose to use only two-three sets of colours with a lot of white space in order to compliment Bruce Mau's other works.


I also suggested we use crumbs at the bottom of each slide to help guide the audience on which topic we are addressing.


The square shape and colour is inspired by Bruce Mau's design for OCAD University. (This design can be seen later in the Final Design process)




My team and I have done extensive research to find out what Bruce Mau's inspirations are and his ultimate goals for his designs.



Final Design

These are the final slide designs my team and I have made for the designer Bruce Mau. We kept a similar design for each slide and made a few of his works covering the whole page. The text was kept to a minimum to highlight and showcase his designs while we presented his work. The colour choices (orange, red, and black) were inspired from one of his exhibits called "The Massive Change Network". This project taught me how layouts and the use of white space is important for all projects which uses text and images.