Timothy Tembo


Timothy Tembo

I am a Software Developer and Designer for mobile, and computer programs.

My passion for design enticed me to combine Computing Science and Interactive Systems, because it is fun to mix my programming knowledge with design skills. I have a lot of experienced with the Adobe Creative Suite, and also fluent with Java, Python, C, C++, HTML5, and CSS3 programming languages. My programming passion has allowed me to explore my capabilities by designing and implementing wesbites, video games, mobiles apps, and utility programs.

I am an excellent team worker and enjoy collaborating with others on projects, because sharing ideas helps me learn and accomplish tasks on time.

Junior Quality Assurance Analyst

PNI Digital Media (Co-op Project)

  • Manually tested the Staples US e-commerce platform in a SAFe Agile environment
  • Lead tester of the Reorder project
  • Discovered and documented bugs
  • Smoke tested the website on the release day of a new feature
  • Tested Staples Pay
  • Tested Pay In Store

Developer & Designer

Smartphone Android Application (Individual Academic Project)

  • Individually designed the user interface using Android Studio
  • Connected the UI to the back-end using Java code
  • Detected falls through use of the smartphone’s accelerometer sensor
  • Created an SQL database to manage the user’s items
  • Made different activities series of interactions on each screen

Researcher & Data Visualization

Motion Tracking (Individual Work-Study Project)

  • Researched and analyzed sensor data for motion tracking
  • Developed Python program to produce visualizations of the analyzed data
  • Delivered detailed reports of each tasks

Researcher & Web Developer

Image-based Survey Website (Individual Work-Study Project)

  • Researched on how effective image-based survey websites are compared to text-based surveys, for the elderly
  • Designed and programmed an image-based survey website for the elderly, using HTML5 and CSS3

Developer & Designer

Game Development (Group Academic Project)

  • Designed and developed a 3D game using Unity as a team
  • Designed developed the inventory and environment using Maya
  • Tested the game