This page contains links that are mainly of retrospective interest.
Spring 2024:
Math 808
Advanced Linear Programming.
Fall 2023:
Math 348
Introduction to Probabilistic Models.
Spring 2023:
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2022:
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2022:
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2021:
Math 348
Introduction to Probabilistic Models.
Spring 2021: Math 208W
Introduction to Operations Research and
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2020:
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2019: Math 208W
Introduction to Operations Research and
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2018:
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2018: Math 208W
Introduction to Operations Research and
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2017: Math 232
Linear Algebra.
Spring 2017: Math 208W
Introduction to Operations Research and
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2016:
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2016: Math 208W
Introduction to Operations Research,
Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic and
Math 894
Non-Linear Discrete Optimization.
Fall 2015: Math 308
Linear Optimization.
Spring 2015: Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic.
Fall 2014:
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2014: Math 402W
Operations Research Clinic,
Math 448 / 748
Network Flows and
Math 808
Advanced Linear Programming.
Spring 2012: Math 308
Linear Optimization and
Math 448 / 748
Network Flows.
Fall 2011: Math 232
Linear Algebra.
Spring 2011: Math 308
Linear Optimization and
MACM 201
Discrete Mathematics II.
Fall 2010:
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2010:
Math 308
Introduction to Optimization
Math 448 / 748
Network Flows.
Fall 2009:
Math 232
Applied Linear Algebra.
Spring 2009:
Math 496 / 827
Advanced Linear Programming.
Fall 2008:
Math 232
Applied Linear Algebra and
Math 408 / 708
Discrete Optimization.
Spring 2008:
Math 448 / Math 748
Network Flows and
Math 308
Linear Optimization.
Fall 2007:
Math 232
Applied Linear Algebra.
Spring 2007:
Math 408 / Math 827
Discrete Optimization.
Fall 2006:
Math 232
Elementary Linear Algebra.
Fall 2003:
Math 4242
Applied Linear Algebra at the
University of Minnesota.
West Coast Optimization Meeting (WCOM), September 2023.
West Coast Optimization Meeting
(WCOM) (a part of the 2022 CAIMS Meeting), June 2022.
Symposium on Mathematics & Computation, August 2018. (Internet Archive)
West Coast Optimization Meeting
(WCOM), September 2017.
Symposium on Mathematics & Computation, August 2017.
Workshop on Big Data, Large-Scale Optimization
and Applications at LIMOS,
June 2016. (Internet Archive)
West Coast Optimization Meeting
(WCOM), October 2014.
Satellite Workshops on RECOMB-seq and CCB, March 2011. (Internet Archive)
West Coast Optimization Meeting
(WCOM), October 2009.
2nd International
Conference on Algorithmic Operations Research (AlgOR), January 2007. (Internet Archive)
2006-22 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
(archive maintained by the Math Department)
2018-19 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2017-18 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2016-17 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2015-16 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2014-15 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2013-14 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2011-12 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2011-12 SFU
Computational Biology Seminar
(organized by myself and Cenk Sahinalp)
2010-11 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2010-11 SFU
Computational Biology Seminar
(organized by myself and Cenk Sahinalp)
2009-10 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2009-10 SFU
Computational Biology Seminar
(organized by myself and Cenk Sahinalp)
2008-09 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
2007-08 SFU
Operations Research Seminar
Brown Bag
Seminar (organized by myself and
Tim Garoni).
2002-03 IMA
Brown Bag Seminar
Back to Tamon Stephen's homepage.
Last modified July 10th, 2015.