############################################################################## # # # Legend of formats and contents for data files accompany # # "Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists" # # By G. P. Quinn and M. J. Keough, 2002 # # # # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # Used in Box 9-1, Box 9-3, Tab 9-1 # # # ############################################################################## Format of the files: (Box 9-1, Box 9-3, Tab 9-1) * andrew.xls (Microsoft Excel) * andrew.csv (comma delimeted ascii text file) File contents: * TREAT - urchin density treatment (con=original density, t0.66=66% original density, t0.33=33% original density, rem=all urchins removed) * PATCH - random nesting factor (treatment replicated within four patches) * QUAD - represents the 5 replicate quadrats per treatment within the four patches * ALGAE - percentage cover of filementous algae ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------