Tim "Not Appearing in this Film" Coram's Home Page

There are those who call me ... Tim

Tim is pondering the existence of multiple dimensions to our universe.

He is often told he looks young for his age.

A  former part-time (some might say recreational) Chem/Biochem student at Simon Fraser University, Tim now does tech support for the SFU Department of Economics. On campus, he has worked as an Archives clerk, a computer lab attendant and tutorial instructor for SFU Academic Computing Services, and a relief computer network operator for Operations and Technical Support, a semi-professional Internet consultant and an HTML author. Off-campus, he has worked cleaning toilets, removing stucco, delivering autoparts, making eyeglasses, testing waferboard, thinning out trees with a chainsaw, making polymer membranes, and running NMR analyses of tannin extracts. 

He is well versed in particle physics, recombinant DNA techniques and assorted semi-useless trivia. He is also a vast repository of Monty Python and Douglas Adams knowledge, but then again, in this field, who isn't?

When not living in alternate dimensions, he drinks beer and watches hockey (when available) and procrastinates about exercise and updating his webpage. His lifelong goal is to stay at home and write bad science fiction and is currently exploring any avenue that will facilitate this ambition.

He heavily favours repealing any and all Laws of Grammer and Spelling.

If you have nothing better to do you can email - just be sure to include the word "wombat" in the subject so that your message isn't flagged as spam and flushed into the great beyond.