ENGL415: The Lyon in Mourning Project

Joey Takeda, SFU DHIL

February 12, 2022

What is/are the Digital Humanities

  • The study of texts--broadly defined--using digital methodologies
  • The study of the digital--broadly defined--using textual methodologies
  • A heavily debated definition!
At its core, then, digital humanities is more akin to a common methodological outlook than an investment in any one specific set of texts or even technologies.
Matthew Kirschenbaum, "What is Digital Humanities and What's It Doing in English Departments?" (Debates in DH)

Digital Humanities @ SFU

The DHIL supports researchers

  1. Consultations
  2. Digital project support
  3. Continuing project support
  4. Exploratory work
  5. Research-integrated training
  6. Course-integrated training

Women's Print History Project


PI: Michelle Levy

Reconstructing Early Circus


PI: Leith Davis

Textual Digital Humanities

One way to understand the digital humanities is through manipulation, adaptation, transformation, translation, conjecture, play

Words Data

Words Numbers

Words Words

Conjectural Criticism

But if the computer can count numbers like a mathematician, it can also play with letters in ways, as we shall see, that poets and textual scholars alike would recognize.
Kari Kraus, "Conjectural Criticism: Computing Past and Future Texts" (DHQ)

The Lyon in Mourning Project

Two interrelated goals: networks and textual scholarship

Describing the Text(s)

Who? What? Where?

Identifying authors, senders, receivers, etc

Classifying individual items, their genre(s), etc

Reconciling the manuscript with the Paton edition

Identifying people, places, objects, etc

Describing the Text(s)

What constitutes an item?

Find the item!

Digital Editing

The Lyon in Mourning project uses TEI-XML as a way to "mark-up," or identify, discrete segments of the text

Striking a balance between "linguistic" and "bibliographic" codes (Jerome McGann, The Textual Condition)--i.e. reading across form and content, negotiating interpretation and fidelity

What do italics mean in this context? What does a horizontal line signify? Do we care?

Digital Edition / Textual Editing

At its core, textual encoding is a way of identifying and differentiating bits of text from other bits of texts.

We do this all the time!

Italics for emphasis

Underlining for titles

Bold for extra-emphasis

Quotation marks for outside attribution or skepticism

All capitals to YELL


Forbes as Transcriber

Forbes goes to greath lengths to represent his source material as accurately as possible

Why TEI?

Since TEI can represent both the linguistic and bibliographic codes, we can have multiple renderings of the same transcription


No transcription is neutral

Transcribing = Critical Editing

Involves making critical interpretive decisions


Contact: takeda@sfu.ca

DHIL: https://dhil.lib.sfu.ca