
Joey Takeda, Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Simon Fraser University

Current and Upcoming Workshops

Past Workshops and Class Presentations

The Text Encoding Initiative (HSS24)

This workshop will introduce the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI): the de facto standard in the humanities for creating digital texts. In this workshop, we will discuss the scholarly and technical affordances are of using the TEI, answering why it is that so many digital humanities resources—including Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and the Women Writers Project—use TEI to enrich their digital archives. We will also discuss the wide variety of tools and platforms built by the TEI community for creating, sustaining, and publishing TEI encoded texts. No prior experience with markup languages, text encoding, or the digital humanities necessary.

Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Humanities and Social Sciences Winter Series 2024
Creating Digital Editions using TEI

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is the de facto standard for digitizing and enriching textual materials and offers a robust, multi-lingual vocabulary for describing, analyzing, preserving, and publishing “texts” across various genres: poems, drama, manuscripts, tombstones, posters, audio recordings, music videos, et cetera.

This workshop will serve as an introduction to the TEI as an encoding language, outlining how participants can use the TEI for creating their own digital editions. No prior experience with markup language, text encoding, or the digital humanities necessary.

Introduction to XPath
Introduction to TEI
TEI and the Lyon in Mourning
Introduction to the Digital Humanities
Introduction to TEI and Encoding Workshop
Introduction to TEI and WEA Encoding Workshop
What is the TEI and Why Should I Care?
Introduction to the Digital Humanities
Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative
What is Text Encoding and Why Should I Care?
So I Want To Use the TEI... Now What?
What is the TEI and Why Should I Care?