Idea Journal #2

Written Reflection

To design an efficient website, the designer should follow the basic rules of Information Architecture. A well-organized website can guide users to find the information they want directly and quickly.  This can be reflected in a clearly labeled navigation bar, which offers a concise but accurate guideline to what the users are searching.


Information Architecture are all about organizing and describing information, and proving way for people to get what they want. It is not just for website design, but can be implemented in everywhere in life, as long as the existence of information. For instance, as a student, it is a good idea that we prepare binders for every single different course, and that is a easy way to track when we want to find information from these files.


A website with good information architecture is supposed to contain the following elements:

<! -- Focus on the people who will use the website, to be specific, focus on who the audience are, what the audience know, and what they are willing to know -- >

<! --  As a designer they should understand the content exactly that they are going to show on the website. If designer themselves can not quite explain the information clearly, it is unable to express it clearly to the audience neither  -- >

<! -- The use of wireframes and sitemaps should follow the principles of information design, the primary and secondary principles. -- >