Emulation/Prediction Test Problems
The following are test functions and datasets found in the literature on emulation and prediction of computer experiments. Each page contains information about the corresponding function or dataset, as well as MATLAB and R implementations.
- Borehole Function
- MARTHE Dataset
- OTL Circuit Function
- Piston Simulation Function
- Robot Arm Function
- Wing Weight Function
- Han et al. (2009) Function
- Qian et al. (2008) Function
- Zhou et al. (2011) Function
- Branin Function
- Cheng & Sandu (2010) Function
- Currin et al. (1988) Sinusoidal Function
- Forrester et al. (2008) Function
- Friedman Function
- Gramacy & Lee (2009) Function
- Gramacy & Lee (2012) Function
- Higdon (2002) Function
- Higdon (2002) and Gramacy & Lee (2008) Function
- Holsclaw et al. (2013) Sinusoidal Function
- Lim et al. (2002) Nonpolynomial Function
- Santner et al. (2003) Damped Cosine Function
- Currin et al. (1988) Exponential Function
- Currin et al. (1988) Survival Function
- Dette & Pepelyshev (2010) 8-Dimensional Function
- Dette & Pepelyshev (2010) Exponential Function
- Franke's Function
- Gramacy & Lee (2008) Function
- Holsclaw et al. (2013) Logarithmic Function
- Zhou (1998) Function
- Currin et al. (1991) Function
- Lim et al. (2002) Polynomial Function
- Welch et al. (1992) Function
- Dette & Pepelyshev (2010) Curved Function
Physical Models
Qualitative and Quantitative Inputs
For questions or comments, please email Derek Bingham at: dbingham@stat.sfu.ca.