BUS 478

WMX 4387  J. Sheppard           email: sheppard@sfu.ca              Research   


Exercise D:   The Bayer Monsanto Merger

Find classmates sharing your concentration & answer the relevant questions.

If there are too many folks in any group, you may get shuffled to another group.

Why would anyone buy a company who, at one time or another, made PCBs, the

insecticide DDT, Agent Orange, the herbicide glyphosate, recombinant bovine

growth hormone, and the never introduced terminator technology for seeds?


Where is the accounting failure in Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto?

Where did the accountants mess up?

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

What does Monsanto bring to Bayer in terms of innovation?

What are the drawbacks Monsanto’s previous innovations?


Did Bayer overpay on this deal? If so, by how much did they overpay?

What would you have done differently (aside from not doing the deal)?

Human Resource Management

Are these two corporate cultures compatible?

How would you get them to work together?

International Business

Are these two corporate cultures compatible?

What caused Bayer to be blindsided by their legal exposure regarding glyphosates?

Management Info. Systems

What is the logic behind buying Monsanto?

What businesses, at this point, would you recommend divesting and/or buying?

Operations Management

What Operations does Monsanto have that should have been a red flag to anyone thinking of acquiring the company?


How does Bayer, a well-respected pharmaceutical maker, avoid sullying its reputation because it bought Monsanto?

Strategic Analysis

What is the logic behind buying Monsanto?

What businesses, at this point, would you recommend divesting and/or buying?