BUS 478

WMX 4387  J. Sheppard           email: sheppard@sfu.ca              Research   


Exercise E:

For this exercise you will be working in your groups.

Each group will be addressing slightly different questions.

What business moves a commercial organization will make depends

greatly on what the future holds. Knowing what that involves is being

able have some vision of what is likely to occur.


Given product lead times and expert estimates we can get a pretty good

idea of what the world looks three to five years from now. For long-run

corporate survival and related long-run investment decisions one needs

to envision 10 to 20 years into future. To do this, one needs to start

thinking along that ten to twenty year timeline.




Comment / Question

1 or A

The Future of Food

What will we be eating in ten years?

2 or B

The Future of Intelligence

What promise or threat does artificial intelligence have for the next 20 years?

3 or C

The Future of Drinking Water

There are two possible visions for ten years from now. One bad the other good.

4 or D

The Future of Land

New Orleans is sinking, but so is Venice, Miami, etc. What do we do?

5 or E

The Future of Energy

What are we running our cars, planes and industries on in ten years? 

6 or F

The Future of Transportation

How will we be getting where we need to go in 10 to 20 years?

7 or G

The Future of Entertainment

What does entertainment look like in ten years?

8 or H

The Future of Robotics

What promise or threat does robotics have for the future?