The Fractal Sequence applet defaults to filter method ``T.'' In fact,
any character other than will run this filter method. In our
example, this method replaces every substring ``12'' by the substring
``1,'' and uses the result to drive the chaos game. This means that
the resulting object has points in exactly those addresses that
contain no substring ``21'' (addresses are read in the opposite
direction from sequences).
I believe that the resulting object is a near-fractal. Clearly there
is a good deal of self-similarity: sub-squares ,
, and
exact half-scale replicas of the entire object, but this similarity
breaks down for sub-square
. Every attempt (of mine...) to
describe this object using a finite set of affine transformations
misses a small portion. Of course, the fact that I've been unable to
find a suitable finite set of affine transformations doesn't prove
that there are none. However, below (see Section 4) I prove
there there is no `` really nice'' set of affine transformations that
do the job, where by ``really nice'' I mean a finite set of affine
transformations that are each a contraction, whose ranges are not
overlapping, and whose ranges correspond to sub-squares of some finite
If you render this object in the Fractal Sequence applet using
, you'll find that some
addresses appear denser than others. For example, addresses
, and
are ``hot spots'' (dense), whereas
are considerably sparser (of course
is empty). Does
this reflect the structure of the object, or simply the choice of
probabilities? I think the answer is the latter (the choice of
probabilities) but it may not be possible to choose an optimal set of
Here's my reasoning. Suppose and
are two equal-length
substrings over the digits
. If I denote the
corresponding areas as
, and
(the areas of those
sub-squares with addresses
-reversed and
-reversed), I would
. For strings of length
this means that
However ``hot-spots'' remain at addresses ,
, and
. To
see why this occurs, notice that whenever a string
is truncated
by removing the one (or more) trailing
s, a new string
created, where
is one of
, or
-- the non-
character to the right of the block of
s. So the frequency of
is increased, which corresponds to the number of
points in addresses
. Since these addresses have areas
equivalent to
, their relative density
Is it possible to ``tweak'' the probabilities so that all the
addresses of length
are rendered with equal density? I don't
think so, for the following reason. There are fifteen legal addresses
of length
is generated by a sequence that contains
the forbidden substring). Among these fifteen, addresses
, and
the area of the others, since they each have
a sub-square (e.g.
) removed. Recalling that sequences are read
in the opposite order from addresses, this means that we'd like (after
filtering) to end up with addresses
so that:
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