MAT 335 Homework #3
* * * New Due Date: Monday, Feb 25, 4:30pm. * * *
Please hand in to the math office (SS 4072). No late assignments will be accepted
Please hand in solutions to the problems that have a *.
You may work in groups of up to two.
Please check these questions regularly as sometimes errors are corrected and the choice of problems to
be handed in may be changed.
Last updated: 13 Feb, am
Some useful formula
- (1)
Estimate the fractal dimension of the set {1/n}n=1,...infinity = 1, 1/2, 1/3, . . . .
Note that the answer is NOT 0. (An exact answer may be too difficult to find.)
- (2)
Referring to the covering of [0,1]2
by grids with squares of size sn = (1/2)2 (cf. Question #10 on Homework #2),
find a consistent covering of a subset A of [0,1]2 that has fractal dimension
log3/log2 >1 and has no area (i.e., is just dust and/or lines). Explain why A has
no area (you should be able to justify this mathematically).
- (3*)
Find the IFS's for the square von Koch curve and for the Sierpinski carpet (Fig. 2.20, page 81).
That is, find the matrices and shifts that make up the affine transformations of the IFS's.
Show that W(F) = F where F is the fractal.
- (4*)
Find the fixed points of the transformations wi that make up the von Koch
and square von Koch IFS's. Sketch the locations of the fixed points on the fractals.
(As a check on your answer, the fixed points should lie on the fractal.)
- (5*)
Calculate the Hausdorff distance h(A, B) between the following two sets;
- (5a*) A = the (solid) unit square, B is the (solid) disc of diameter 1 enscribed
within the square.
- (5b*) Same as above but now let B be the (solid) disc without the centre point.
- (5c*) Same as in (5a) but with B = (solid) disc enscribed within the square union
the point (1,0) (here we are placing the centre of the square and circle at (0,0)).
- (6*)
Let h(A, B) denote the Hausdorff distance between the sets A and B
(see Page 268). Verify the Contraction Mapping Principle for the Sierpinski
Let To be the solid equilateral triangle (sides of length 1) and T
be the Sierpinski triangle. Show that h(Wn(To), T) -> 0 as
n -> infinity. Here W denotes the IFS of the Sierpinski triangle. It will be
easier to find a (simple) function f(n) such that h(Wn(To), T) <= f(n)
and such that f(n) -> 0 (because it may be difficult to determine exactly what
h(Wn(To), T) is). See also page 4 of the W2000 final exam for a
similar question (and with diagram).
- (7*)
- (7a) Let W be the IFS for the Cantor set (which produces the
Cantor set along the x-axis between 0 and 1).
- (i) Let S = [0,1]. What is the set Wn(S)? What is
the limit of Wn(S) as n tends to infinity?
- (ii) Let S = { (0,0), (1, 0) }. What is the set Wn(S)?
What is the set Wn(S) as
n tends to infinity? How do you reconcile this with the fact that W(C) = C (that is,
that the Cantor set C is the fixed point of W) and the
Contraction Mapping Principle?
- (7b) Let W be the IFS for the Sierpinski triangle. Let S={(0,0), (1,0), (0.5, 1)}.
What is Wn(S)? Let TT be the set
limn-> infinityWn(S). What is the set TT? Is this the same set
we obtained by the "removing the middle 1/2 triangle" construction? (the latter is what we've been calling the
Sierpinski triangle T) Verify that W(TT) = TT and W(T) = T. Does this
contradict the Contraction Mapping Principle (which states that any contraction has only one
fixed point)?
- (8*)
Starting with a square of size 500 by 500 pixels, and
assuming your computer can draw 10,000 squares per second, estimate
how long your computer will take to draw the von Koch and the square
von Koch curves (see page 260 in the text).
- (9)
What is the fractal dimension of the set of numbers in [0,1] that have no occurence of
the string '73' in their decimal expansion? (This a hard one - I think, so even just
and estimate (like "the fractal dimension is greater than y but less than x") would be something.)
End of Homework #3