Weekly Commentary: MAT335 Winter 2000
- 7 January (countable and uncountable sets)
- 14 January (fractals, measuring the length
of (fractal) curves, Pascal's triangle)
- 21 January (self-similarity, fractal
- 28 January (Iterated Function Systems, Contraction
Mapping Principle, Hausdorff distance)
- 4 February (encoding and decoding an image into
an IFS)
- 21 February (the chaos game)
- 25 February (cellular automata,
random fractals, fractal landscapes, Brownian motion)
- 3 March (random vs deterministic processes,
What is Chaos?, sensitivity, mixing, random and deterministic
- 10 March (symbolic dynamics, Shadowing Lemma)
- 17 March (graphical analysis, bifurcation,
universality, Charkovsky's Theorem)
- 21 March (two dimensional discrete dynamical
systems, the Henon map, strange attractors)
- 28 March (complex dynamics, Julia sets)
- 7 April (the Mandelbrot set)