Newspapers have been one of graphic design's most immutable genres. Change has historically been resisted, unwelcome, and calculated to be so gradual as to be imperceptible. A strident departure from convention ocurred with the 1982 launch of USA Today. The design of this new paper responded to competition from television and magazines, which had become a major source of news for the American public.
Born of marketing surveys and opinion polls, USA Today is a product engineered
for consumption by the largest possible audience. In 1995, The Gannett Corporation's
Each day, the paper's mission is printed at the top of the editorial page; "USA Today hopes to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the U.S.A. truly one nation. "
Lupton, E., and Miller, J.A., Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design, Princeton Architectureal Press, New York 1996Change the appearance of the web page by changing the style sheet only.
Link to the extension task web page.