Grade : High Distinction above 85%
- Evidence of wide and deep topic coverage
- Multi-sourced understandings
- Broad application to context, substantial evidence of reading and
background referencing
- Professionally written and well expressed
- Outstanding graphical qualities
- Organised to show well-integrated reflective thinking about complex
concepts leading to theorising about "far" domains
Grade: Distinction 75 - 84%
- Substantial topic coverage
- Widely sourced understandings
- Substantial application to context, good evidence of reading and
referencing all correct and covered
- Very well written and expressed, using correct terminology
- Substantially contributing graphical qualities
- Organised to show substantial thinking about complex concepts
Grade: Credit 65 - 74%
- Adequate topic coverage
- Main understandings evidenced
- All required applications to context covered with some evidence
of reading and substantially correct referencing
- Clearly written, with argument formulation and substantially correct
- Adequate graphical support
- Planned to show broad application to enumerating, listing and describing
complex topics.
Grade: Pass 50 - 64%
- Some topic coverage
- Exhibits minimal understandings
- Exhibits some knowledge of context, including through referencing
- Substantially correct terminology, adequately expressed
- Minimal graphical qualities
- Some organization overlaying submission
Grade: Fail less than 50%
- Misses the point
- Exhibits misunderstandings
- Does not acknowledge context, no evidence of referencing
- Incorrect terminology, poorly expressed
- No graphical qualities
- Disorganised