Another Look
While many similarities between humans and animals must be acknowledged, it is also
evident that humans are in some ways different from animals:
1. Humans create art, construct cities, grow their own food, etc.
Although we differ genetically by only 1% or 2% from chimpanzees, our social and creative lives are comparably richer.
Many argue that the difference is human language.
2. The problem of the Great Leap Forward:
About 40,000 years ago, Neanderthals disappeared from Europe and there was a sudden population explosion of anatomically modern humans.
Shortly later, there is evidence of bone and rope tools:
arrows, fish hooks, nets, awls, etc.
Previously, only primitive stone tools are found.
Art - ornamentation, sculpture and musical instruments (e.e. flutes) - appears in this time
Researchers argue that the emergence of language must be at least partially responsible.
This would imply that Neanderthals did not have language.