Complete the sentence with the best term. Please note that if your answer is not spelled correctly, the program will note it as incorrect.
The ______________ pituitary gland is derived from epithelial tissue of the roof of the mouth during development and secretes torphic hormones in response to hormones secreted by the hypothalamus.
The ____________ pituitary gland is derived from neural tissue during development and secretes the hormones ADH and oxytocin from axons of neurons whose cell bodies are located in the hypothalamus.
The posterior pituitary releases the hormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and _____________________.
The posterior pituitary releases the hormones oxytocin and _____________________.
What class of hormone are all of the hormones release by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland?
Neurons that release antidiuretic hormone originate in the _________________ nucleus of the hypothalamus.
Neurons that release oxytocin originate in the _________________ nucleus of the hypothalamus.
ADH increases the number of __________________ inserted into the cell membrane of kidney cells in the collecting ducts to increase water reabsorption.
Functions of the hormone _________________ secreted from the pituitary gland include control of milk ejection during breast feeding, contraction of the uterus, and the formation of attachment and maternal bonds.
The hormone ___________________ synthesized in the stomach, stimulates secretion of both GH and GHRH and also has orexigenic actions.
At what point during an individual's lifespan do growth hormone levels peak?
The growth hormone receptor is a __________ ______________ _______________.
Growth hormone binds to two growth hormone receptors which form a ______________.
Binding of growth hormone to its receptors leads to phosphorylation of STAT proteins and activation of a ____________ kinase signal cascade.
Binding of growth hormone to its receptors leads to phosphorylation of ______________ proteins and activation of a MAP kinase signal cascade.
Excess growth hormone production in adults leads to a condition called ______________________.
An excess of growth hormone during childhood development leads to a condition called _____________.
A maternal deficiency of thyroid hormone during fetal development leads to a condition called ______________.
An excess of the sex steroids during childhood growth & development __________________ the growth window.
Maternal diabetes during pregnancy may result in a condition called fetal ____________, which is characterized by an increased birth weight.
Fetal macrosomy may occur as a result of maternal diabetes during embryonic development because of elevated levels of _______________ that stimulate increased fetal growth.
The hypothalamus inhibits secretion of growth hormone through the secretion of the hormone ________________.
GH release is ____________________ by somatostatin, hyperglycemia, obesity, age, and others.
GH secretion is ____________________ by GHRH, ghrelin, exercise, stress, hypoglycemia, fasting and starvation.
The hormone GnRH from the hypothalamus controls release of the hormones __________and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) from the anterior pituitary.
The hormone GnRH from the hypothalamus controls release of the hormones __________and LH (luteinizing hormone) from the anterior pituitary.
The hormone ________________ releasing hormone from the hypothalamus controls release of the hormones LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary.