· Essays must be typed, paginated, and double-spaced with all margins set at one inch.
· Use a twelve-point font.
· Provide a title page with your own title and include your e-mail address on the title page in case I need to contact you.
· Staple your essay together.
· Do not exceed the word limit assigned to each essay assignment. I will not read beyond what you are required to write.
· When citing your sources, supply footnotes or a separate page (or separate pages) for endnotes. (I prefer footnotes.) In an essay that analyzes only one source, you may cite direct quotes from or references to the book in question by indicating page numbers in brackets within your own text. Do not forget to cite your source precisely! Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism. Please keep the notes you make in preparation for the essay until I have returned the essay to you.
· Essays sent by electronic attachment will not be accepted. Do not send your essay by attachment as proof that you submitted it.
· For all matters of style, including the correct format for footnotes and bibliography, please consult the most recent editions of either The Chicago Manual of Style or of Kate L. Turabian's Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. For help with style, see also William Strunk, Jr. Elements of Style.
· Superior essays will be written with correct grammar and idiomatic usage. Above all, they will directly address the relevant question and will be based on a clear, well defined thesis statement sustained with logical consistency and by compelling evidence taken from the relevant source(s) in the form of quotations and/or specific references. Your written work should be the organized and intelligible record of your own thinking about a particular problem. Avoid stringing together the ideas of others, and especially avoid plagiarism, the unacknowledged use of the words or ideas of another author.
· Essays written for 400-level seminars should demonstrate proficiency in the various aspects of writing: intelligibility, coherence, organization, correct grammar, footnotes, bibliography.
· Do not hand in essays late. An essay is late when it is submitted after the beginning of class on the day that it is due. For all assignments due before 31 July 3% will be deducted per day late, starting at one minute after the beginning of class on the due date. Essays due on 31 July must not be submitted late, i.e. after 12:30 p.m. Students who do not hand in their final papers by 12:30 p.m. on 31 July will receive an "N" for the course. An "N" signifies that you have not completed the requirements for the course and is equivalent to a GPA of an "F." I reserve the right simply to provide grades without comments on late essays.
· I will gladly allow for extensions without penalty but only if you have a significant and urgent reason for not handing in the paper on time (e.g. illness, family tragedy) and if you speak with me before the deadline for submission. As a rule, e-mail requests for extensions will not be considered.
Proper footnote and bibliographic form.
This page was last updated on 27 February 2003
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