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TouchCounts Privacy

    This Privacy and Cookie Notice applies only to the TouchCounts app and website www.touchcounts.ca.

    What Personally Identifiable Information does the TouchCounts app collect about you?

    None. The app does not collect, make use of, or export any user-identifying information.

    What Personally Identifiable Information does the TouchCounts website collect about you?

    None. However, the Support portion of this website encourages you to contact us, the app publisher, voluntarily by e-mail for technical support. Contacting us by e-mail will of course reveal a variety of personally identifiable information such as your e-mail address, your time zone and e-mail delivery path, and any personal details you voluntarily disclose in your support request. We collect and track this information both to respond to your specific support request, and from time to time to analyze our collected support requests to help direct new development of the software. We do not share or sell this information to other parties.

    Note that access to this entire website from within the app is limited by a gatekeeping reading challenge, in order to prevent young children’s unsupervised access to the internet.

    Cookie Notice

    This website currently makes no use of cookies to track personally identifiable information. The originating IP addresses and timestamps of visits to the website are routinely recorded by our web server to provide basic analytics about usage of our site.

    (July 2014)